Dr Alan P Newman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dr Alan P Newman's activity rankings
Places visited in Staffordshire, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Places visited in Derbyshire, England
Places added to Minnesota
Places edited in Minnesota
Places visited in Shropshire, England
Places added to Utah
Places edited in Spain
Market Harborough, England

The Old Grammar School

This iconic building was founded as a school for the impoverished, but became one for the sons of the local gentry.
Stokesay, England

Stokesay Castle

A 13th-century fortified manor house that was once sieged during the English Civil War.
Gateshead, England

Dunston Staiths

The largest timber structure in Europe.
Shropshire, England

The Shropshire Mammoth

A replica of one of the most complete mammoth skeletons discovered in England.
Lydbury North, England

Bury Ditches

This Iron Age hill fort remained hidden until a series of storms revealed its history.
Nottinghamshire, England

Queen's Sconce

A well preserved remnant of the English Civil War.
Hucknall, England

Hucknall Miners Memorial

This imaginative sculpture is a memorial to this town's former mining industry.
Lautertal (Odenwald), Germany

Felsenmeer Lauteral

This natural "sea of stones" was once used by the Romans as a quarry.
Pleasley, England

Pleasley Pit

This park and coal mine heritage site is home to two of the last steam winding engines in the UK.
Mansfield, England

The Golden Hand Sculpture

Constructed 20 years ago, this sculpture is slowly fading to the hands of time.
Xanthi, Greece

Xanthi Clock Tower

This tower is all that remains of the mosque that once stood in the center of the city, before it was destroyed by fire in 1941.
Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Gil Eannes

This ship offers visitors the chance to spend the night aboard a former floating hospital for fishermen.
Arnside, England

Arnside Bore

This rare aquatic phenomenon is one of the more accessible tidal bores in Morecambe Bay.
Eindhoven, Netherlands

The DAF Museum

Walk through the history of a Dutch truck manufacturer, from 1928 to today.
Charleroi, Belgium

Bois du Cazier

This former coal mine, now a fascinating museum, was the site of Belgium's worst mining disaster.
Ostend, Belgium

Amandine Museum Ship

The last Oostende trawler to fish off Iceland is now a museum.
Sluis, Netherlands

Belfort Sluis

This bell tower is the only one of its kind in the Netherlands and was a symbol of prestige.
Damme, Belgium

Damme Canal

Also known as Napoleon's Canal, this waterway was created on the orders of the general, and construction was interrupted by Waterloo.
Telford, England

The Frog Clock

This whimsical, unique clock has been entertaining shoppers for well over 20 years.
Ballykeelaun, Ireland

Ardnacrusha Power Station

At the time of its construction, this hydroelectric power plant was the largest in the world.
Inverness, Scotland

Clava Cairns

This site contains overlapping ancient graveyards that existed about 1,000 years apart.
York, England

Yorkshire Air Museum

This aircraft museum is home to one of just three Halifax bombers in the world.
Ravenscar, England

Peak Alum Works

At the height of alum production at this factory, human urine was a valued commodity.
Shepton Mallet, England

St. Peter and St. Paul's Wagon-Roof

Inside this magnificent 12th-century church is one of the finest carved wagon-roofs in all of England.