Queso's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Graford, Texas

Possum Kingdom Stone Arch Bridge

The bridge continues the legacy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal policy.
Cisco, Texas

Old Zoo Nature Trails

Hike the ruins of a zoo that was shut down by an unsolved murder.
Glen Rose, Texas

Ed Young Station

This abandoned building made of petrified wood was once a hotspot for buying moonshine.
West, Texas

Czech Stop & Little Czech Bakery

Some of the best pastries in "the Czech heritage capital of Texas" come from a gas station off I-35.
Waxahachie, Texas

Desertron: The Superconducting Super Collider

A Texas-sized particle collider that was abandoned due to its Texas-sized budget.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Stockyards

Belly up to the bar in Cowtown, don't forget to buy some boots.
Fort Worth, Texas

Lee Harvey Oswald's Grave

Of course the grave of JFK's assassin is surrounded by conspiracy theories.
Grapevine, Texas

Grapevine Glockenspiel Clock Tower

A few times a day, you can see an animatronic cowboy shoot-out.
Irving, Texas

'Mustangs of Las Colinas'

This strategically-placed fountain creates the magnificent illusion of mustangs galloping across a river.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Centennial Art Deco Buildings

A "Texanic" (gigantic Texas) collection of Art Deco architecture at Dallas' historic Fair Park.
Dallas, Texas

Klyde Warren Park

A city park that sits on top of a freeway.
Dallas, Texas

'Eye' Sculpture

This downtown Dallas art installation is always on the lookout.
Dallas, Texas

Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive

A symbol of Texas pride.
Dallas, Texas

Good Luck Gas Station

One of the last Art Deco gas station still standing in Dallas.
Sulphur Springs, Texas

Glass Bathrooms of Sulphur Springs

Known as one of America's most beautiful public restrooms.
Terrell, Texas

Bumblebee Statue

A tribute to one of the most memorable characters from the Transformers movie series.
Denton, Texas

Goatman's Bridge

A registered historic landmark shrouded in unsettling local legends.
Mineral Wells, Texas

The Baker Hotel

Crumbling hotel echoes with the sounds of the '30s.
Bowie, Texas

World’s Largest Bowie Knife

A town pays homage to its namesake.
Aurora, Texas

1890s Alien Gravesite

This small town Texas cemetery is said to be the burial site of a UFO pilot who crashed in the 1800s.