RamenKingAndI's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Replica of the Golden Hinde

This one has sailed five times as far as Sir Francis Drake's famous ship.
London, England

Supper Club Tube

A decommissioned tube carriage within a London museum hosts a regular pop-up supper club.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
London, England

The Cockpit

A friendly pub with a sordid past in cock fighting.
London, England

Tulip Stairs

The first geometric self-supporting spiral stairs in Britain are a truly beautiful sight.
London, England

'Out of Order'

A domino effect created with Britain’s iconic telephone boxes.
London, England

The London Library

More than a million titles fill the labyrinthine shelves of this prestigious private library.
London, England

Love Locks of East London

Lovers proclaim their unbreakable bond by leaving their names on locks fastened onto the Shoreditch fence in East London.
London, England

Yeoman Warders Club

There's an exclusive Beefeaters pub hidden in the Tower of London.
London, England

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries

This long-hidden space above Westminster Abbey now displays the battle gear of the legendary King Henry V.
London, England

The Churchill Arms

This pub was 238 years old when it decided to revamp its image: It started serving Thai food.
London, England

The Theatre

Two plaques commemorate the site of Shakespeare's first theatre.
London, England

Crystal Palace Subway

A relic of Victorian grandeur hides beneath a busy South London road.
London, England

Hampstead Pergola

This secluded walkway overlooks a magnificently wild London green space.
London, England

Crossness Pumping Station

This beautiful Victorian ironwork masterpiece was built to keep London from smelling like poop.
London, England

The Ten Bells Pub

Mary Kelly was last seen here before she was murdered by Jack the Ripper.
London, England

David Bowie Graffiti Mural

An artistic tribute to the famous singer, just around the corner from where he was born.
London, England

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

A historic London cemetery now serves as a nature park incorporating gravestones & memorial statues.
London, England

The Cartoon Museum

A collection of comics, graphic novels, animation and caricatures devoted to exploring this often overlooked art form.
London, England

Earl's Court Police Box

The Metropolitan Police refurbished the blue box (perhaps not coincidentally) the same year "Doctor Who" returned to TV screens.
London, England

Ruins of the Crystal Palace

The remains of Crystal Palace Great Exhibition of 1851.
London, England

Ruined Victorian Folly

Remnants of a Victorian garden feature sitting in public woodland.
London, England

Kyoto Garden

A little slice of Japan and its aesthetics in London's Holland Park.
London, England

Leake Street Graffiti Tunnel

A hands-off space for graffiti artists to hone and display their skills.