rcutrara's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Athens, Greece

Gestapo Interrogation Memorial

The site where hundreds of Greeks were tortured by the Nazi secret police is now a cosmetics store.
Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch Basilica

The ruins of New Zealand's largest classical-style church.
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Church of the Good Shepherd

This charming stone church on the shore of Lake Tekapo is an icon in astrophotography.
Tumunui, New Zealand

Te Pā Tū

An immersive Māori village where you can learn history and heritage through dance, ceremony, song, architecture, and food.
Eltham, New Zealand

Eltham Toy Wall

What began as a makeshift lost and found, now exists as a unique art installation.
Whanganui, New Zealand

Jackson's Rēwena Bread

This bakery sells traditional Māori sourdough.
Dunedin, New Zealand

Larnach Castle

One of New Zealand’s few castles boasts beautiful gardens, grand architecture, and a history filled with family drama.
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Dark Sky Project

Home to some of the world’s darkest skies, this project blends ancient Māori culture with world-class astro tourism.
Upper Hutt, New Zealand


You may recognize this beautiful grove within Kaitoke Regional Park as location of the house of Elrond.
Kaukapakapa, New Zealand


One of the world's largest Tesla coils.
Waipu, New Zealand

Waipu Caves

A galaxy of glowworms—larvae of a gnat—hides deep in the belly of these caves.
Takaka, New Zealand

Te Waikoropupu Springs

Some of the clearest water anywhere in the world.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mafalda Monument

These small sculptures pay homage to the lovable star of an iconic Argentine comic strip.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Xul Solar Museum

Xul Solar was an artist of alternate worlds, inventor of languages, and dreamer of utopias.
Vienna, Austria


Journey through a mesmerizing array of board games inside this museum.
Vienna, Austria

Wien Museum Hermesvilla

A gift from Emperor Franz Joseph I to his wife.
Vienna, Austria

Otto Wagner Villa I (Ernst Fuchs Museum)

This grand manse has been transformed into a museum devoted to one of the founders of Fantastic Realism.
Vienna, Austria

Jesuitenkirche (Jesuit Church)

The solemn exterior conceals an opulent interior of this 17th century church.
Vienna, Austria

Dominikanerkirche (Dominican Church)

An exquisite Baroque church in Vienna's old town.
Vienna, Austria


A neo-Gothic mansion now houses a wunderkammer of analog tech that hits on all the senses.
Vienna, Austria

Bestattungsmuseum (Vienna Undertakers' Museum)

Collection dedicated to funeral rites, equipment, and mourning rituals of the Viennese.
Vienna, Austria

Votivkirche (Votive Church)

A neo-Gothic church built to thank God for saving the Emperor of Austria from an assassination.
Vienna, Austria

Gasometer Town

Apartment complexes built into huge repurposed natural gas tanks.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Grand Ferris Wheel

Vienna's giant wonder wheel had a starring role in one of the greatest noir movies of all time.