salliflynn15's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cleveland, Ohio

Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick

A collection of Witchcraft artifacts and occult paraphernalia started by the leader of the Long Island Coven.
Waukegan, Illinois

Dead River

A river with some unusual, and occasionally dangerous, habits.
Falcon Heights, Minnesota

Bell Museum

This taxidermic smorgasbord was co-created by an artist poached from the Museum of Natural History.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Museum of Quackery and Medical Frauds

A museum within a museum, devoted to history's most questionable medical devices.
Ladysmith, Wisconsin

Toad House

A fairytale art house in the middle of Wisconsin.
Sumpter, Wisconsin

Dr. Evermor's Forevertron

"World's largest scrap metal sculpture" stands in an outdoor sculpture garden in the middle of Wisconsin.
Plainfield, Wisconsin

Grave of Ed Gein

Eternal resting place of the grave robber and murderer who served as inspiration for many of cinema’s famous madmen.
San Francisco, California

Institute of Illegal Images

A museum befitting the city responsible for supplying the majority of the world's LSD.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Glen Gardner, New Jersey

Abandoned Hagedorn Psychiatric Hospital

A recently abandoned psych ward at the end of Sanatorium Road.
Hildebran, North Carolina

Abandoned Henry River Mill Village

An abandoned village that doubled as "The Hunger Games"' post-apocalyptic wasteland is up for grabs.
Chicago, Illinois

Abandoned Brach's Candy Factory

What was once one of the country's largest confectionary plants is now an abandoned ruin, but is still pretty sweet.
Cairo, Illinois

Abandoned Town of Cairo, Illinois

A once-booming Mississippi River town with a history of racial violence is now eerie and mostly abandoned.
Ridgedale, Missouri

Bat Bar in Lost Canyon Cave

If there's another drive-through golf-cart bar in a bat-filled cave on top of a mountain, we don't know about it.
Seattle, Washington

Ballyhoo Curiosity Shop

This Seattle store is packed with all sorts of curious creatures and creations.
Seattle, Washington

Mystery Soda Machine

An old vending machine serves up unpredictable beverages from its seemingly magical insides.
Washington, D.C.

The Dupont Underground

Long-abandoned trolley tunnels just a mile away from the White House are turning into an art space.
Washington, D.C.

The Exorcist Stairs

The site of the climactic scene from the classic horror film is now a historic landmark.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.
Chicago, Illinois

The Violet Hour

A speakeasy takes on Chicago's drinking culture.
New York, New York


A DIY art gallery/music venue/lecture hall dedicated to video game culture.
New York, New York

Chinatown Ice Cream Factory

Order scoops of pandan, lychee, and black sesame at this family-run institution.
New York, New York

Track 61

This abandoned subway station beneath the Waldorf-Astoria hotel is allegedly used to secretly transport presidents.