samphetamine's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Eindhoven, Netherlands

Van Gogh Bicycle Path

Inspired by "The Starry Night" this Dutch bike path turns into a glowing work of art each night.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.

Vennbahn Cycleway

Walk or bike along a narrow strip of Belgium sandwiched by German territory.
Turnhout, Belgium

National Museum of the Playing Card

Relics from as far back as the 16th century are on display in a city known for its playing card industry.
Vleteren, Belgium


Stocking up on the world's best beer requires a pilgrimage to a monastery drive-through.
Plombières, Belgium

Gare De Montzen

Abandoned since 1998, this train station has become an oasis for urban explorers.
Genk, Belgium


What was once a bustling mining installation is now a bustling hub of contemporary art.
Stoumont, Belgium

Sanatorium du Basil

An early 20th-century sanatorium, long abandoned and now being reclaimed by nature.
Ypres, Belgium

In Flanders Fields Museum

This memorial museum chronicles the apocalyptic destruction of the First World War.
Brussels, Belgium

Cemetery Dieweg

Nature is slowly overtaking this disused cemetery on the outskirts of Brussels.
Blegny, Belgium


Descend into the tunnels to experience the life of a coal miner.
Waimes, Belgium

Signal de Botrange

The highest point in Belgium is a staircase to nowhere.
Genk, Belgium

Cycling Through Water

This bike path was sunk below water level for maximum wonder.
Ypres, Belgium

The Yorkshire Trench

In an area where the remnants of WWI are discovered on a regular basis this preserved frontline trench may be the most amazing.
Brussels, Belgium

Laeken Cemetery Crypt

This recently restored crypt was once plagued by liquefying coffins and exploding caskets.
Liège, Belgium

Fort de la Chartreuse

This abandoned Belgian fortress is purposefully being left to nature.
Remouchamps, Belgium

Caves of Remouchamps

Hiding the longest subterranean river known in the world.
Genappe, Belgium

Abbaye de Villers

A magical and peaceful ruined Cistercian abbey in what is now southern Belgium.
Brussels, Belgium

Délirium Café

Cozy basement bar sports an inventory of over 2,000 beers.
Bruges, Belgium

The Lucifernum

This former Masonic lodge has been transformed into part museum, part bar, all awesome.
Ghent, Belgium


This fairytale castle was built as a show of power but was nearly torn down thanks to its history of torture.
Brussels, Belgium

Le Cercueil (The Coffin)

The Devil’s own choice when he needs a drink in Brussels.