sarahg9999's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Ishinomaki, Japan

Cat Island

On Japan's Tashirojima Island, cats are king.
Zhangjiajie, China

Avatar Hallelujah Mountain

This vertical pinnacle in China was the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”
Atlanta, Georgia

Rainy Day Revival

An oddity shop filled with taxidermy, funerary memorabilia, and more.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Consulate

No passport is required to eat around the world at this elegant restaurant.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party

Proceeds from this colorful teahouse in a historic Atlanta neighborhood directly fund women’s education in northeast India.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Elvis Shrine Vault

An old bank vault in Atlanta is now the eternal shrine to the King of Rock and Roll.
Atlanta, Georgia

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama

The Battle of Atlanta in 360 degrees, featuring a corpse that bears a striking resemblance to Clark Gable.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cator Woolford Gardens

Secret gardens just a few miles from downtown Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia

Alpaca Treehouse

This wondrous hideaway is suspended in a bamboo forest above a sanctuary for rescued llamas and alpacas.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cascade Springs Nature Preserve

Healing Springs that once ran red with soldiers' blood.
Atlanta, Georgia

Trader Vic's

Mai Tais and Navy Grog served up in one of the original tiki bars.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Plaza Theatre

This Art-Deco movie palace is the oldest independent cinema in Atlanta.
Washington, D.C.

National Capitol Columns

The United States Capitol's former columns still stand.
Vienna, Austria

Schmetterlinghaus: The Imperial Butterfly Park

A tropical paradise just a short trip from the opera house is filled with beautiful winged creatures.
Los Angeles, California

The El Segundo Butterfly Preserve

A ghost town at the airport is now a refuge for blue butterflies.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mariposario Chapultepec (Chapultepec Butterfly Garden)

You can release a young butterfly at this beautiful indoor garden.

Changi Airport's Butterfly Garden

Watch butterflies take flight before you fly.
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

This funicular railway rumbles along for a mile up the nearly vertical face of Chattanooga’s Lookout Mountain.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Ruby Falls

The mysterious wonder of an underground waterfall is illuminated by multicolored lights.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel

This historic train station has been converted to a locomotive themed hotel.
Nashville, Tennessee

The Horn

Sambusas get a Deep Southern twist at this Somali chai haven.
Nashville, Tennessee

Bobbie's Dairy Dip

This seasonal soft serve shack has been doling out silky swirls since 1951.
Nashville, Tennessee

Robert's Western World

Fuel your honky-tonking with this venue's unbeatable “Recession Special.”