Schoft's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Taipei City, Taiwan

Tuned Mass Damper of Taipei 101

Enormous pendulum helps keep Taiwan's tallest building from swaying.
Mechelen, Belgium

St. Rumbold's Cathedral

The tallest church in Mechelen might have been the tallest in the world if not for a lack of funds.
Beaufort, Luxembourg

Beaufort Castles

This noble mash-up in eastern Luxembourg is part Medieval, part Renaissance, all castle.
Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

Esch-sur-Sûre Castle

Once the local rulers had gone these enchanting ruins housed common folk in an almost real life fairy tale.
Hamelin, Germany

Glockenspiel of Hameln

The real life town from the Pied Piper of Hamelin has a mechanical puppet show that retells the famous story many times a day.
Luganville, Vanuatu

Million Dollar Point

The U.S. military dumped millions dollars worth of goods off a beach in Vanuatu, purely to spite the British and French.
Lochiel, Australia

Lake Bumbunga

This salt lake in South Australia features seasonal color changes and its very own loch monster.
Brim, Australia

Brim Silo Murals

These giant grain silo portraits capture elements of rural life in Australia.
Keilor North, Australia

Organ Pipes

Cooled, fractured lava formed this geometric rock feature.
Williamstown, Australia

Titanic Theatre Restaurant

Enjoy all the trappings from 1912 aboard this Titanic-themed restaurant.
Dandenong South, Australia

Hotel Eastlink

A roadside hotel that you can’t stop at. 
Langwarrin, Australia

McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park

For better or worse, this whimsical sculpture garden was a favorite place of Rupert Murdoch's.
Pakenham, Australia

Mr Yakkerboo and Blue

Dedicated to a strange, local cryptid beloved by all.
Raymond Island, Australia

Raymond Island Koala Trail

This area was created to save the region's koala population.
Sydney, Australia

Eric the Pliosaur

The bones of this aquatic dinosaur turned to opal over the centuries and the beast's remains were almost sold as jewelry.
Stockton, Australia

The Nobbys Gunpowder Tunnels

A series of gun powder chambers currently hidden from view within Nobbys Headland in Newcastle, Australia.
Brisbane, Australia

Streets Beach

Brisbane's manmade urban beach has enough water to fill five Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Magnetic Island, Australia

Magnetic Island

After much poking and prodding, this island is decidedly not a magnetic anomaly, but it sure is pretty.
Kakadu, Australia

Ubirr Rock Art

Kakadu National Park is known for its stunning beauty and its rock art, which represents the longest historical records of any continuous civilization on Earth.
Rottnest Island, Australia

Wadjemup Lighthouse

Ships still use this historic lighthouse to navigate dangerous, island waters.
Leeuwin, Australia

Water Wheel - Cape Leeuwin

This water wheel turned to stone in a matter of decades.
North Fremantle, Australia

Dingo Flour Sign

Visible from both land and sea.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.