Shay's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wiltshire, England

Longleat Hedge Maze

The longest hedge maze in the world.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Boscastle, England

The Museum of Witchcraft & Magic

The world's largest collection of witchcraft regalia.
Godalming, England

Witley Wonder Underwater Ballroom

The hidden "ballroom" under a mansion lake was built by a criminal who ate a cyanide pill during his trial.
London, England

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

One of the few remaining casualties of the London Blitz, this destroyed church has become an enchanting public garden.
London, England

Mansion House Square

London's amazing modernist public square that never was.
London, England

Michael Faraday's Laboratory

The lab where the scientist made his groundbreaking discoveries is preserved on the basement floor of the Faraday Museum.
London, England

Freud Museum London

The pioneer of psychoanalysis spent the final year of his life here, still seeing patients on that famous couch.
London, England

Earl's Court Police Box

The Metropolitan Police refurbished the blue box (perhaps not coincidentally) the same year "Doctor Who" returned to TV screens.
London, England

Peter Pan Statue

A statue marks the exact spot where The Boy Who Never Grows Up made his first literary appearance.
London, England

Eltham Palace

Art Deco and “Wrenaissance” mash-up, this recently restored royal residence has been home to kings and comes with secret monkey passages included.
London, England

Houseboats of Regents Canal

A community of artists and entrepreneurs seeks a simpler life on London's waterways.
London, England

Replica of the Golden Hinde

This one has sailed five times as far as Sir Francis Drake's famous ship.
London, England

The Navigators

Ship-sized kinetic sculptural fantasy.
London, England

Museum of Brands

Collection dedicated to brands, packaging and advertising.
London, England

The Star Tavern

The bar where "The Great Train Robbery" was planned was once a nexus of high society and low morals.
London, England

Allies Sculpture

Bronze sculpture celebrating the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt.
London, England

The Cartoon Museum

A collection of comics, graphic novels, animation and caricatures devoted to exploring this often overlooked art form.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
London, England

Crystal Palace Dinosaurs

Abstract dinosaur models in London.
London, England

Seven Noses of Soho

Several plaster noses are hidden in plain sight around London's Soho neighborhood.
London, England

Greenwich Foot Tunnel

A 1,215-foot tunnel transports pedestrians beneath the River Thames.

Dennis Severs' House

A historic house left in "dramatic still life."
London, England

Temple of Mithras

Rebuilt remains of a temple to Roman god Mithras.