siobhanglover28's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rossville, Australia

Black Mountain

Legend says entire herds of cattle have disappeared within this boulder-strewn landscape.
Adaminaby, Australia

The Big Trout

This giant trout was made by a singular fisherman who wanted to honor his local trade.
La Perouse, Australia

Coast Cemetery

Hidden among popular Sydney golf courses is a little remembered graveyard populated by smallpox victims.
Belconnen, Australia

Giant Mushroom

Children's playground hidden under a big pink and blue cap.
Burra, Australia

The Burra Homestead

A small Australian farmhouse became an international icon after appearing on a Midnight Oil album cover.
Muswellbrook, Australia

Big Blue Heeler

Standing in celebration of where the cattle dog was bred.
Derby, Australia

Derby Boab 'Prison Tree'

Critics argue this boab tree has been mislabeled for the sake of dark tourism, undermining its spiritual significance.
Townsville, Australia

Museum of Underwater Art

A series of sculptures beneath the waves promote ocean conservation and support coral reefs.
Myers Flat, Australia

The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace

Largest Buddha carved from gemstone-quality jade in the world, on a world tour through 2011.

Macquarie Island

One of the only places where Earth’s mantle lies above water.
Kalamunda, Australia

The Bibbulmun Track

A beautiful hike through national parks, forests and beaches in Western Australia.
Namatjira, Australia

Gosse Bluff

A spectacular impact crater in the rugged heart of Central Australia.
Currarong, Australia

Mermaid Inlet Cliffs

These sea cliffs are an epic natural wonder.
Canberra, Australia

National Gallery Sculpture Garden

Dozens of large-scale, creative, evocative curios from prominent artists dot the calm outdoor space around this major museum.
Queens Domain, Australia

The Ruins of the Beaumaris Zoo

The abandoned remains of a once popular zoo, and the grave of the last known Tasmanian Tiger.
Melbourne, Australia

Fairies Tree

A whimsical menagerie of creatures carved into a 300-year-old tree trunk.
Robertson, Australia

Big Potato

Concrete spud looks like the North American Sebago.
Adelaide, Australia

South Australian Museum

The largest collection of Indigenous Australian artifacts in the world, and the rare museum where wood-and-glass cabinets have trumped interactive exhibits.
Glenelg, Australia

Archer's Arcadia

Arcade chock-full of old timey, whimsical, hand-cranked automata and peepshows.
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Big Banana

One of the first big sculptures anywhere in Australia.
Duranbah, Australia

Big Avocado

Giant fruit signaling the entrance to a tropical paradise.
Glenside, Australia

Z Ward

A perfectly preserved abandoned criminal asylum in South Australia.
West Ballina, Australia

The Big Prawn

There's nothing shrimpy about the world's largest artificial prawn.
Kingston SE, Australia

Larry The Red Big Lobster

A massive metal lobster welcomes tourists to a roadside restaurant.