Somncheyenne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gurdon, Arkansas

Hoo-Hoo International Office and Museum

The strange and snarky traditions of the lumber industry's fraternal order began with five men waiting for a train here in Arkansas.
Alma, Arkansas

Popeye Statue

Bronze statue marks the spinach capital of the world.
St. Louis, Missouri

The Girl in the Shadow Box

One man's unrequited love stands in a glass box forever.
Kansas City, Missouri

Community Christian Church

A magnificent church designed by world-renowned architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Kansas City, Missouri

DalĂ­ Collection at Hallmark Visitors Center

The famous greeting card maker owns a collection of paintings by the famed surrealist.
Chesterfield, Missouri

The Awakening II

A sculpture of a giant man escaping from the depths of the Earth.
Kansas City, Missouri

Country Club Plaza

The first car-centric shopping plaza in the U.S. brought a little bit of Spain to downtown Kansas City.
Dallas, Texas

The Grave of Bonnie Parker

The final resting place of an outlaw, whose legend grew after death.
Guthrie, Oklahoma

Scottish Rite Temple

One of the largest Masonic temples in the world, created at the height of the oil boom in ostentatious style.