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Places visited in Springfield, Illinois
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Schramberg, Germany

Da-Bach-na-Fahrt (Journey Down the Stream)

Whimsical wash tubs row down the stream as part of this Carnival celebration.
Roggenburg, Germany

Roggenburg Leiberfest

Bring out your dead (saints that have been festooned and bejeweled, so that we can parade them around the town)!
Feucht, Germany

Hermann Oberth Space Travel Museum

Small museum dedicated to one of the founding fathers of modern astronautics.
Lüneburg, Germany

German Salt Museum

This German museum devoted to the simple wonders of salt is actually built over an old saltworks.
Tübingen, Germany

Tübingen University Paleontological Collection

One of the world's oldest fossil exhibits is on display in a beautiful antique "naturalienkabinett."
Wehringen, Germany

Fasan Explosives Factory

Hidden in the forest are the crumbling, graffiti-covered remains of the factory where most of Germany's explosives were produced during World War II.
Siegen, Germany

Ziegenberg Gasometer

One of the only spherical 19th century gas containers left today.
Berlin, Germany

Artpark Tegel

This concrete residential area doubles as an open-air gallery.
Hettingen, Germany

Gewandhaus Museum Inneringen

Opulent period costumes and murals lead you on a journey through fashion history.
Essen, Germany

Soul of Africa Museum

Tucked away in a small German apartment is an eclectic museum devoted to West African vodun culture.
Kasendorf, Germany

The Dance Linden

For centuries, Germans have been dancing in trees.
Böblingen, Germany

German Butcher's Museum

Sausages, schnitzel, and weiners.
Darmstadt, Germany

Russian Chapel in Darmstadt

The last Tsar of Russia constructed this private church just so he could attend services when visiting his wife's hometown.
Baden-Baden, Germany

Autobahnkirche St. Christophorus Baden-Baden

This magnificent church allows travelers along one of Germany's busiest roadways a chance to rest and reflect.
Augsburg, Germany

Augsburger Puppenkiste

This famed marionette theater and museum is bursting with imaginative string puppets.
Tübingen, Germany


This giant statue of a vulva became internationally famous after an American exchange student got stuck in it.
Waldeck, Germany

The Steeple in the Edersee

A century-long search for a church that was never there.
Kehl, Germany

German Epilepsy Museum

First museum dedicated to the research and history of Epilepsy.
Edertal, Germany

Love Island and Castle Bring

Medieval ruins on a tiny island amid a flooded lake offer romantic respite to lovers seeking privacy.
Königswinter, Germany

Burg Drachenfels

A ruined castle stands atop a hill surrounded by dragon lore.
Rathen, Germany

Rathen Open Air Stage

This stone amphitheater was once part of Nazi Germany's plan to promote propaganda.
Mechernich, Germany

Brother Klaus Field Chapel

This German art chapel is perfect for those who like their worship hard, modern, and utterly alien.
Garching bei München, Germany

Lego Very Large Telescope

A surprisingly detailed model of one of the most powerful telescopes in the world.
Haigerloch, Germany

Atomkeller Museum

The atomic museum in the basement of this German castle displays long strands of replica uranium cubes.