TheFlyingKiwi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Costa Rica

Río Celeste

This neon blue river gets its color from a unique mix of bacteria and volcano minerals.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

La Iglesia de San Andres de Xecul

Experiencing Guatemala's sensory-exploding church is a blunt reminder of European influence.

Relampago del Catatumbo

This everlasting lightning storm may be the world's largest generator of ozone.
Willemstad, Curaçao

The Wreck of Air Aruba P4-YSA

Like something out of a pulp adventure, this abandoned plane wreck is slowly being retaken by the Caribbean jungle.
Willemstad, Curaçao

Mikvé Israel-Emanuel Synagogue

The floor of the oldest surviving synagogue in the Americas is entirely covered in sand.
New Mexico

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site

Twice a year, visitors can tour the desolate site that birthed the Atomic Age.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bradbury Science Museum

This museum started as a collection of Manhattan Projects and continues to add exhibits as they are declassified.
Paphos, Cyprus

The Mosaics of Paphos

The ancient mosaics here are considered among the finest in the world, and serve as a stunning record of Greco-Roman daily life.
Nicosia, Cyprus

Cyprus Buffer Zone

This no man's land slicing through the island is strewn with abandoned relics of another time.
Newfoundland and Labrador

Iceberg Alley

Hundreds of enormous icebergs drift through this waterway every year.
Varanasi, India

Cremation Ghats of Varanasi

Many Hindus make the long pilgrimage to this holy city to have their remains burned on the banks of the Ganges River.
Tehran, Iran

Tehran Aerospace Exhibition Center

A graveyard of old and rare planes that once were the glory of Persian aviation.
Tokyo, Japan

Omoide Yokocho

Colloquially known as “piss alley,” this narrow street filled with tiny bars and barbecue stands looks like it was pulled straight out of “Blade Runner.”
Amsterdam, Netherlands


An ancient passage filled with stalls selling used books, once frequented by Vincent Van Gogh.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

In't Aepjen

This historic Amsterdam bar used to accept sailor's monkeys as payment.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Sonnenborgh Observatory

A historic observatory now an astronomy museum beautifully situated at the moat of the Middle Age city centre.
Cornwall, England

St Michael's Mount

A island reachable by a causeway at low tide is possibly one of the earliest Western European locations to be identified in text.
Highland, Scotland

Massacre Cave

This cramped crevasse saw the entire population of its island suffocated inside its depths.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Kildalton Cross

This 1,300-year-old marker is one of the finest and most complete early Christian crosses in Scotland.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools

These fantastically named natural pools look like something out of a Scottish myth.
Brighton, England

The Royal Pavilion

Regency-era excess on the English Coast.
North Yorkshire, England

Eden Camp

WWII artifacts, including the building itself.
Lewes, England

Lewes Bonfire

Both church and state get put to the torch in this annual festival in the "Bonfire Capital of the World."
Brest, Belarus

Brest Hero-Fortress

Thanks to its heroic service during WWII this Soviet castle has been turned into a monument towered over by a brutalist titan.