thomassp74's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fort Collins, Colorado

Swetsville Zoo

This "zoo" is a cross between a junkyard and a sculpture garden, featuring animals you won't see anywhere else.
Monroeville, Pennsylvania

The Living Dead Museum

This little museum in the town where zombies were born celebrates the living dead.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
Oakland, California

Dunsmuir-Hellman Historic Estate

Neoclassical Revival mansion and set of horror cult classic Phantasm.
Los Angeles, California

Bradbury Building

The legendary building that needed ghostly approval before being built.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Tower Apartments

This glamorous old building is said to have inspired the Tower of Terror.
Hardwick, New Jersey

Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco

This Boy Scout retreat acted as "Friday the 13th"'s original Camp Crystal Lake.
Los Angeles, California

Thompson Home

Nancy Thompson's Home from "A Nightmare on Elm Street."
Waxahachie, Texas

Munster Mansion

A Victorian mansion, painstakingly reproduced to appear just as the the Munster's family home did on TV.
Los Angeles, California

Halloween House

Everyone remembers Laurie Strode from Halloween, but this is the house where most of the blood was shed.
Edgartown, Massachusetts

'Jaws' Bridge

The filming location of a shark attack in Steven Spielberg's famous shark movie.
Amityville, New York

Amityville Horror House

The site of a tragic massacre that spawned a multimedia franchise.
Morristown, Tennessee

The 'Evil Dead' Cabin

All that's left of the quintessential "cabin in the woods."
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."
Naucalpan, Mexico

El Nido de Quetzalcóatl

An Aztec snake god has taken the material form of an apartment complex.
Roscoe, New York

Craig-E-Clair Castle

An abandoned castle owned and ignored by Masons carries a cursed history.
Rougemont, North Carolina

Castle Mont Rouge

A sculptor's dream castle turned fantastical ruin.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Frank Lloyd Wright's Burnham Block

Six tiny houses built for working class people form the largest intentional cluster of Wright homes anywhere.
Gloucestershire, England

Sezincote Estate

A majestic mansion designed in Mughalai style, complete with a turquoise onion dome.
Asheville, North Carolina

Biltmore Estate's Secret Passages

The enormous 250-room Vanderbilt mansion conceals hidden doors and secret passageways.
Adare, Ireland

Adare Manor

An unusual manor of stunning beauty, born out of a crippling disease.
Bangkok, Thailand

Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute

A collection of venomous snakes and reptiles for the whole family to enjoy.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Museum of Quackery and Medical Frauds

A museum within a museum, devoted to history's most questionable medical devices.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.