tynov17's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Flåm, Norway
Places visited in Vieques, Puerto Rico
Places visited in Ithaca, New York
Places visited in Turks and Caicos Islands
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Washington, D.C.

Darth Vader Grotesque

The sci-fi villain is a little-known inhabitant of the U.S. capital's largest cathedral.
Washington, D.C.

Volta Laboratory & Bureau

Helen Keller once broke ground on this historic center for the study of technologies to benefit the hearing impaired.
Washington, D.C.

The Exorcist Stairs

The site of the climactic scene from the classic horror film is now a historic landmark.
Arlington, Virginia

Rosslyn Metro Escalator

At 207 feet, one of the world's longest continuous escalators.
Washington, D.C.

The Brewmaster's Castle

This grand gothic brewery has been pumping out suds for over a hundred years.
Washington, D.C.

Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega

The "lovely red Vega" of the legendary record-settling pilot.
Washington, D.C.

The Mary Surratt Boarding House

The house where John Wilkes Booth conspired with his co-conspirators.
Baltimore, Maryland

Edgar Allan Poe's Grave

The trials and tribulations of marking Poe's grave.
Cascade, Colorado

Pikes Peak Summit House

Thanks to a quirk of elevation this gift shop produces magic doughnuts that are found nowhere else on Earth.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Grand Prismatic Spring

The largest hot spring in the United States is, as the name suggests, a stunning show of natural color.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Morning Glory Pool

A beautiful geyser under environmental threat.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Old Faithful Geyser

One of nature's most well-scheduled phenomenons resides in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

The Crow's Nest at the Old Faithful Inn

An architect's childhood fantasy treehouse made real.
Corbett, Oregon

Multnomah Falls

A roaring, awe-inspiring double cascade of icy water flows through woodland Oregon like something out of a Tolkien novel.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Museum of Modern Renaissance

This former Masonic hall has been turned into an art project that uses even more metaphysical iconography.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Modica Way

An alley way dedicated to graffiti and street art is a constantly changing street gallery.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Old Powder House

Rising 30 feet in the air atop Quarry Hill, the Old Powder House is the oldest stone building in the state of Massachusetts.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge

This bridge was the birthplace of a unit of measurement based on a fraternity joke.
Boston, Massachusetts

Fort Independence (Castle Island)

On a former island, this old fortification once used to protect the Boston Area and started Edgar Allan Poe in his military career.
Boston, Massachusetts

All Saints Way

"Mock all and sundry things, but leave the saints alone."
Boston, Massachusetts

Edgar Allan Poe Square

The Boston square dedicated to the dark poet who was born nearby.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's Old Burying Grounds

Macabre headstones carved with winged skulls, dancing skeletons, and pithy reminders of impending death.