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Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.
Dzitnup, Mexico

Cenote Xkeken

These azure waters were thought to lead to the Mayan Underworld.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.
Zunil, Guatemala

Las Fuentes Georginas

Volcanically heated hot springs.
El Salvador

Joya de Ceren

A Mayan village preserved for centuries in volcanic ash.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Los Vahos

Natural saunas fed by volcanic heat.
Champa, Mexico


The ruins of an ancient Mayan city, beautifully preserved and only accessible by boat.
San Andrés Cholula, Mexico

Church of Santa María Tonantzintla

An indigenous take on European design creates a stunning visual overload.
San Andrés Cholula, Mexico

The Great Pyramid of Cholula

An Aztec temple, the largest man-made pyramid in the world, sits buried in earth with a Spanish church set on top.
Mexico City, Mexico

Chapultepec Castle

The only castle in North America to ever house European sovereigns.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.
Naucalpan, Mexico

El Nido de Quetzalcóatl

An Aztec snake god has taken the material form of an apartment complex.
Naucalpan, Mexico

Nautilus House

This fantastical house shaped like a seashell brings aquatic design to architecture.
Angahuan, Mexico

Viejo San Juan Parangaricutiro

This church, buried halfway in lava rock, is all that remains of a Mexican village destroyed by a volcano.
Xilitla, Mexico

Las Pozas

Extraordinary sculpture garden created by an eccentric English poet.
Teuchitlán, Mexico


The jewel of western Mexico's archaeological legacy is this tiered circular pyramid now covered in grass.
Zarcero, Costa Rica

Parque Francisco Alvarado

This Costa Rican topiary park is a surreal garden of unearthly delights.