tv33's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Boston, Massachusetts

Central Burying Ground

American revolutionaries and British soldiers alike are buried here in the fourth-ever cemetery in Boston.
Milton, Massachusetts

Great Blue Hill

The hill that gave the Massachusett tribe, and later the state, its name.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Lois Lane

A comic book store got the road by its shop officially renamed after Superman's girlfriend.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Site of Emma Goldman's Ice Cream Shop

On a side street near the interstate is the building where the famous anarchist once owned an ice cream parlor.
Boston, Massachusetts

Make Way for Ducklings Statue

Mrs. Mallard and her brood are a beloved fixture in Boston Public Garden.
Boston, Massachusetts

Hood Milk Bottle

Ice cream stand, snack bar, and time capsule of milk conveyance.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Tea Kettle

This massive tea kettle was once a promotional stunt for the Oriental Teashop.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Bancroft Tower

This miniature feudal castle was built on a whim to honor a US Navy pioneer.
Concord, Massachusetts

Walden Pond

"the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well . . . The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges."
Concord, Massachusetts

Author's Ridge

This small section of the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is rotten with famous authors' graves.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's Old Burying Grounds

Macabre headstones carved with winged skulls, dancing skeletons, and pithy reminders of impending death.
Lowell, Massachusetts

The Mysterious Witch Bonney

The Mysterious Witch Bonney, a haunted statue in an old industrial city.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Danvers, Massachusetts

Danvers State Hospital

The inspiration for H.P. Lovecraft's horror stories and Batman's Arkham Asylum is now a condominium complex.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

Clark's Trading Post

Come for the gun-toting hillbilly madman, stay for the ice-cream loving basketball bears.
Jaffrey, New Hampshire

Mount Monadnock

Known as one of the most climbed mountains in the world, this barren peak is permanently bald thanks to an anti-wolf fire.
Jackson, New Hampshire

Mount Washington

The highest point in the state of New Hampshire, and while unlikely "the worst weather in the world," it sure seems that way to hikers.
Pelham, New Hampshire

Pinball Wizard

Expertly restored pinball machines as far as the eye can see.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

The sweetest graveyard in the world is filled with headstones for dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors.
Burlington, Vermont

Flying Monkey Sculptures

Scary metal statues adorn some of the signature buildings of Burlington, VT.
Burlington, Vermont

Tallest Filing Cabinet on Earth

This 38-drawer structure claims the superlative title, but it isn't the world's only giant filing cabinet.
Thingvellir, Iceland


The picturesque birthplace of Icelandic democracy is drenched in the blood of its brutal past.
Reykjavik, Iceland


This stunning concert hall has become a symbol of Iceland's national recovery.

Gullfoss (Golden Falls)

If a glacial river suddenly diving into a sheer chasm via a dramatic, multi-stage waterfall isn't peak Iceland, it's certainly close.