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Prague, Czechia

The Deer Moat Pedestrian Tunnel

The tunnel's elegant proportions keep you snug with no claustrophobia freak-out.
Prague, Czechia

Bohnický Hřbitov Cemetery (Cemetery of Fools)

An old asylum graveyard that's been abandoned for half a century attracts those seeking a dark thrill.
Prague, Czechia

Nuclear Bunker Museum

Buried five stories underground, this Soviet bunker is packed with gas masks and Cold War paraphernalia.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
Prague, Czechia

Hlava Franze Kafky (Franz Kafka's Head)

A bust of Franz Kafka spins in pieces, reflecting the writer's inner torment.
Prague, Czechia

Cross Club

A steampunk-styled three-floor factory churning out art, activism, and electronic beats.
Prague, Czechia

Sex Machines Museum

The first museum in the world devoted to sexual gadgetry.
Prague, Czechia

Old Jewish Cemetery

Around 100,000 bodies are buried below the medieval headstones, many of which mark graves with multiple bodies stacked up to 12 deep.
Prague, Czechia

Olšany Cemetery

Walk through Czech history in Prague's largest graveyard.
Prague, Czechia

Dripstone Wall

Countless grotesque faces stare out from this eerie Prague art wall.
Prague, Czechia

Idiom Installation

A Jenga-style cylindrical tower of books that appears to go on forever.
Prague, Czechia

Speculum Alchemiae

The hidden lair of an alchemist rediscovered in a 2002 flood.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Prague, Czechia

Strahov Monastery

Two stunning 17th-century libraries and a cabinet of curiosities.
Prague, Czechia

The Museum of Alchemists and Magicians of Old Prague

The history of occult science is turned into a creepshow at this lurid Prague tourist attraction.
Tariat, Mongolia

Ovoos at Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake

A jagged silhouette of shamanistic stone heaps rises from the shore of this dazzling mile-high lake.
Shammar, Mongolia

The Mother Tree

This spiritual landmark for practicers of Shamanism is drenched in milk and vodka and covered in blue scarves.

Khustain Nuruu National Park

The grassy landscape is home to the world's last truly wild horses.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Genghis Khan Statue Complex

Enormous statue of the Emperor of the Mongols.
Shiraz, Iran

Eram Garden

Named after a legendary garden called Eram in southern Arabia, built by order of Shaddad, an Arab king who wanted to compete with Paradise.
Tehran, Iran

Tehran Aerospace Exhibition Center

A graveyard of old and rare planes that once were the glory of Persian aviation.
Tehran, Iran

Iran Mall

One of the world's largest shopping malls covers an area of 15 million square feet—and it's still set to grow.
Qom, Iran

Fatemeh Maasoume Shrine

One of the holiest Shi'i shrines in Iran honors the life and death of a learned noblewoman who became a saint.
Viyar, Iran

Dashkasan Dragon Temple

Two Chinese dragons guard the caves of this medieval temple in Iran.