vivacion's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Little Wittenham, England

The Poem Tree Commemorative Stone

For a century and a half, this great beech stood bearing a carefully carved 20-line poem. Now this stone and plaque are all that remain.
Bristol, England

John Cabot's Whalebone

A 15th-century whalebone is tucked away in an unassuming corner of this medieval church.
Ipswich, England

The Ogre of Eagle Street

This monstrous face has watched over passersby for centuries.
Burnham-on-Crouch, England

Burnham Minefield Control Tower

This observation tower is one of two of its kind that still exist in the United Kingdom.
Farnham, England

Mother Ludlam's Cave

This place is the subject of local legends about a good witch and a Celtic God.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Neville Hall

This building played host to some of the most influential minds of the Industrial Revolution and now serves as a reminder of the influence of Northern coalfields.
Southampton, England

Mulberry Harbour Wreckage

Some of the last remaining relics of one of World War II's most important invasions.
Birmingham, England

Library of Birmingham

The largest public library in the United Kingdom was designed to reflect the industrial and artistic history of the city where it stands.
Salford, England

'Salford First'

This statue includes small details that highlight a city of "firsts."
Derby, England

Breedon on the Hill Lock-Up

A late 18th-century jail.
Durham, England

Finchale Priory

The former "holiday home" for monks at the Durham Cathedral.
Faringdon, England

The Faringdon F.U.N. and Folly Tower

The eccentricities of a former lord include painted pigeons of his manor house, a series of pointless plaques, and a folly built simply to peeve the public.
Woking, England

The Sandpit on Horsell Common

This peaceful park saw the beginning of an extraterrestrial invasion in H.G. Wells's 'The War of the Worlds.'
London, England

Wimbledon Victorian Electricity Substation

A recently restored substation that dates from 1875.
Plymouth, England

Tinside Lido

A 1930s Art Deco swimming pool with a design inspired by grand ocean liners.
Manchester, England

Pankhurst Centre

The former home of one of the U.K.’s most notable families of suffragettes is now a museum dedicated to women’s rights.
London, England

National Gallery Mosaics

A quartet of tiled art pieces adorn the floors of this prestigious art museum.
Greta Bridge, England

Morritt Arms Hotel Dickens Mural

This impressive mural adorns the wall of this 17th-century hotel and honors the literary icon.
Gloucester, England

Gloucester Waterways Museum

This fantastic museum honors Gloucester waterway heritage.
Hove, England

Waterloo Street Arch and Gardens

Tucked between a side street and a theater, this arch once led to a prestigious riding school, and now opens to a courtyard and community garden.
Leicester, England

Abbey Sewage Pumping Station

This former sewage pumping station is now a fascinating museum.
Witney, England

The Devil's Quoits

A renovated henge and stone circle just south of Stanton Harcourt village.
St Anthony, England

St. Anthony Head

On this headland lies a 19th-century lighthouse and historic gun battery.
Bradford-on-Avon, England

Town Bridge & Lock-up

This bridge later moonlighted as a local jail.