k42510131's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Theth, Albania

Lock-In Tower of Theth

Once a safe haven for locals engaged in blood feuds, this 400-year-old fortified tower is now a museum showing what life was like for those lying in wait within its walls.
Blacksburg, South Carolina

Abandoned Castle Video Games

A royal relic from the time that gambling was accidentally made legal in South Carolina.
Madrid, Spain

La Posada del Peine (Comb Inn)

In this 400-year-old hotel in Madrid, you'll find a comb in every room, an old clock, and maybe a ghost.
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Camii & Turkish Culture Center

Tatar Russian in origin, the largest mosque in Japan is now an Ottoman-style Turkish culture center.
Chinguetti, Mauritania

Old Mosque

An architectural relic that survived the hands of time.
Shepton Mallet, England

St. Peter and St. Paul's Wagon-Roof

Inside this magnificent 12th-century church is one of the finest carved wagon-roofs in all of England.
Formia, Italy

Eremo di San Michele Arcangelo (Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel)

Hidden in a high mountain cave, this hermitage dates back to the ninth century.
Sermoneta, Italy

Abbazia di Valvisciolo (Valvisciolo Abbey)

Knights Templar are visible inside this stunning Cistercian abbey.
Peja, Kosovo

Patriarchate of Peć

A UNESCO-protected spiritual seat of the Old Serbian Kingdom and Empire.
Segovia, Spain

Antonio Machado House-Museum

Poet Antonio Machado's former residence offers the quintessential Castilian lifestyle of the provincial towns in the early 20th century.
Tokyo, Japan

Takao Inari Shrine

A unique shrine dedicated to the deified skull of a 17th-century Tokyo courtesan.
Wormingford, England

The Wormingford Dragon Window

Was the ravaging reptilian that terrorized this village a dragon, or an escapee from a London menagerie?
Vallejo, California

St. Peter's Chapel

The oldest Naval chapel in the United States is home to an incredible collection of Tiffany stained-glass windows.
Adelaide, Australia

Adelaide's Oldest Morris & Co. Stained Glass Window

This may be one of the most valuable Morris & Co. stained glass windows in Australia.
Madrid, Spain

Real Jardin Botanico

Over two centuries old and counting, Madrid's massive botanical garden contains one of Europe's only desert environments.
Madrid, Spain

Cine Doré

A must for film lovers in Madrid and home to the Spanish Film Library's projection space.
Madrid, Spain

San Ginés Book Shop

This unassuming bookstore in the heart of Madrid is one of the oldest in Spain.
Prizren, Kosovo

Our Lady of Ljeviš

A 14th-century Serbian Orthodox church that was once converted into a mosque under the much-disfavored Ottoman Empire.
Redwood City, California

The Buddha of 101

A giant statue perched on dumpsters watches over the freeway.
Compton, Arkansas

Hemmed-In-Hollow Falls

The highest waterfall between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains.
Jenins, Switzerland

Greisinger Museum

Middle-earth in the middle of Switzerland.
Eureka, Illinois

Reagan Peace Garden

The Reagan Peace Garden at Eureka College features a chunk of the Berlin Wall.
Meredith, New Hampshire

U.S. Mailboat Sophie C

One of the two USPS mailboats left in service docks regularly at Weirs Beach, Bear Island, and other Lake Winnipesaukee islands to deliver their mail.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts

Parsons Reserve

Former private property that was hidden up a trail in the woods with thousands of bright yellow daffodils.