slawrence1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Melbourne, Australia

The Bunyip of Berkeley's Creek

A friendly monster lurks outside the State Library Victoria.
Melbourne, Australia

Cow Up a Tree

This piece of Australian modern art is part joke and part history.
Ballandean, Australia

Ballandean Pyramid

A huge stone pyramid built for fun.
Hyams Beach, Australia

Hyams Beach

The sand is such a bright white that on sunny days you practically need sunglasses to look at the ground.
Surfers Paradise, Australia

Gold Coast Wax Museum and Chamber of Horrors

The largest wax museum in the southern hemisphere features a grizzly chamber of horrors.
Sydney, Australia

White Rabbit Gallery

It's said to be one of the most significant collections of contemporary Chinese art in the world.
Sydney, Australia

The Lillipad Cafe

An indigenous ethnobotanist runs this brunch spot celebrating Australia’s native flavors.
Sydney, Australia

Waverley Cemetery

A self-funded cemetery with a long list of inhabitants.
Bardon, Australia

Logical Unsanity Books & Miscellaneous Phantasmagoria

This rickety old shed hides a trove of secondhand literary treasures.
Tanami East, Australia

Drunken Australian Parrots

The Australian lorikeets that like to tie one on in an annual drinking binge.
Woombye, Australia

The Big Pineapple

A giant Australian fruit and tropical farm.
Leonora, Australia

Gwalia Ghost Town

This once-booming gold mining hub was basically abandoned overnight.
Marble Bar, Australia

Strelley Pool

Microscopic fossils suggest Australia may be the birthplace of sulphur-based life forms.
Melbourne, Australia

Old Melbourne Gaol

Once housing children next to hardened criminals this historic jail once displayed Ned Kelly's skull until it was stolen.
Coober Pedy, Australia

Crocodile Harry's Underground Nest & Dugout

This eccentric cave dwelling is bizarre even by the standards of a subterranean town.
Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne GlowGolf Docklands

Putt your way around Australia in a black light environment.
Christmas Island, Australia

Crabs of Christmas Island

The red crab exhibits one of the most spectacular migrations on earth, despite manmade obstacles.
The Caves, Australia

Capricorn Caves

A wonder of natural limestone formations etched by millions of years of natural interaction between rainfall and rock and air.
St Kilda, Australia

St. Kilda Pier Penguin Colony

You'll find the little birds tucked within the rocks of this Australian beach.
Fairfield, Australia

Fruit Bats of Yarra Bend Park

Is there such thing as too many fruit bats? Not anymore.
Sydney, Australia

Purikura Photoland

People can't get enough of these adorable Japanese photobooths.
Mount Gambier, Australia

Umpherston Sinkhole

An incredible garden taking over the interior of a massive sinkhole.
South Mount Cameron, Australia

Little Blue Lake

A beautiful, but toxic, lake formed by mining.
Sydney, Australia

Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Come for the flowers, stay for the bats!