pksobotta's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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McMurdo Dry Valleys

One of the most extreme deserts in the world, these snow-free valleys harbor life, despite the hostile environment.
Hamburg, New Jersey

Hamburg Stromatolites

An approximately 500 million-year-old rock outcropping covered in fossilized bacteria.
Lander, Wyoming

The Sinks

This canyon is named for a unique geologic formation where the river vanishes underground near the mouth of the canyon and reappears farther down.
Puerto Río Tranquilo, Chile

Marble Caves of Chile Chico

Mother Nature outdoes herself with this stunningly beautiful set of caves carved into marble.
Edison, New Jersey

Menlo Park Lightbulb

A giant light 13 feet high shines near Thomas Edison's old Menlo Park lab.

Gullfoss (Golden Falls)

If a glacial river suddenly diving into a sheer chasm via a dramatic, multi-stage waterfall isn't peak Iceland, it's certainly close.

Haukadalur Geothermal Field

This valley of hot springs and boiling mud pots is home to the record-holding "Geysir," which originated the English word.
Skogar, Iceland


The oldest (maybe) swimming pool in Iceland is a stunning oasis built into the side of a lush hill.


Strange rock formations tower above the river that snakes through this enchanting Icelandic canyon.

U.S. Navy DC-3 Wreckage

This wrecked airplane has been sitting on a black sand beach since the 1970s.
Vik, Iceland


Three columns of volcanic rock shoot out of the ocean.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Jemez Springs Soda Dam

The 7,000-year-old calcium carbonate formation creates a magnificent natural bridge.
June Lake, California

Obsidian Dome

A natural dome made of volcanic glass in Inyo National Forest.
Papaikou, Hawaii

Hawaiʻi Tropical Botanical Garden

More than 2,000 species of tropical plants call this nature preserve and sanctuary home.
Lone Pine, California

Mobius Arch

This rock formation named for its unique shape is one of many that call the Alabama Hills home.
Brian Head, Utah

Cedar Breaks National Monument

Erosion and various mineral deposits give this striking canyon its distinct color and soft appearance.
Corte Madera, California

Ring Mountain Petroglyphs

Across Ring Mountain is a vast collection of Native American petroglyphs unique to the region.
Oracle, Arizona

Peppersauce Cave

An off-the-beaten path cave with an underground lake.
Pleasantville, New York

Glacial Erratic

This giant rock arrived at this quiet park thousands of years ago on the back of a massive glacier.
Lagoa, Portugal

Benagil Caves

Perhaps the most spectacular grotto along the Algarve coastline.
Kanab, Utah

Coral Pink Sand Dunes

Colorful sand dunes create a unique attraction in this part of Utah's red-rock country.
Joshua Tree, California

Desert View Conservation Area

This conservation area is also home to many of the region's desert tortoises.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

John Goodway Sycamore Tree

This massive sycamore tree has been labeled as one of the largest in the state.
Kula, Hawaii

Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area

Ten acres of the Kula Forest Reserve make up this wondrous state park.