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Funchal, Portugal

Madeira Botanical Garden

A lush oasis full of vibrant plants and striking geometric displays.
Monsanto, Portugal

Necropolis of São Miguel

A windswept necropolis carved into the rocks overlooks the "most Portuguese town in Portugal."
Lisbon, Portugal

History of Lisbon Mural

Hidden beneath a beautiful overlook you’ll find the history of the city depicted in comic strip format next to a pay toilet.
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Saint Maria Adelaide

An honorary saint of the people, Maria Adelaide became an incorrupt corpse, the clothes intact, exhaling “a strong scent of roses.”
Esperança, Portugal

The World’s Shortest International Bridge

You can cross from one country to another in a single hop on this little bridge.
Colares, Portugal

Praia da Ursa

In Portugal, a secluded stretch of untouched natural beauty hides at the bottom of a steep hill.
Lisbon, Portugal

Estufa Fria

This once-forgotten oasis in the middle of Lisbon was first created over a century ago quite by accident.
Vila Franca Do Campo, Portugal

Islet of Vila Franca do Campo

A perfectly circular lake is formed by the crater of an ancient underwater volcano.
Luso, Portugal

Palace Hotel Bussaco

A majestic hotel for dreamers rises from the center of a fairytale wood.
Alcobaça, Portugal

Tomb of Inês de Castro

The corpse bride of Portugal.
Évora, Portugal

Almendres Cromlech

"Portugal's Stonehenge" is made up of nut-like stones aligned with the heavens.
Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal

Montemor-o-Novo Castle

This crumbling Portuguese ruin overlooks the populace it once ruled.
Porto, Portugal

Igreja de São Francisco Catacombs

Ancient catacombs form the foundation for this Rococo orgy of a church.
Santa Luzia, Portugal

Cemetery of Anchors

Dead weights honor the dead of Portugal's fishing industry.
São Miguel, Portugal

Hotel Monte Palace

This abandoned five-star hotel is now a five-star urban exploration destination.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pavilhão Chinês

Ring the bell to enter a bar that looks equal parts museum and old curiosity shop.
Colares, Portugal

Convent of the Capuchos

The verdant mossy ruins of a Franciscan monastery lie in the remote Sintra hills awaiting exploration.
Leça da Palmeira, Portugal

Tidal Pools of Leça da Palmeira

An early work of the architect Álvaro Siza Vieira, these swimming pools blend into the beach.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Braga, Portugal

Bom Jesus do Monte

A stunning 18th-century site where pilgrims ascend by a series of punishing stairs only to return via funicular.
Moreira do Rei, Portugal

Stone House

A small Portuguese cottage formed between boulders in the countryside.
Porto, Portugal

McDonald's Imperial

This restored Portuguese cafe may well be the most beautiful place in the world to grab a Big Mac.

Covão dos Conchos

This gaping hole in the middle of a remote mountain lake looks like a portal to another dimension.
Lisbon, Portugal

Santa Justa Lift

This Industrial Age architectural and engineering gem helps visitors and residents alike traverse Lisbon, “The City of Seven Hills.”