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Places visited in Bahrain
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Madain, Iraq

Taq Kasra

This remnant of an ancient Persian city is considered to be the world's largest single-span brick vault arch.
Baghdad, Iraq

Baghdad Battery in the National Museum of Iraq

A 2200 year old vessel may have been able to keep a charge.
Alqosh, Iraq

Rabban Hormizd Monastery

An ancient sanctuary that has long been a holy site for the Chaldean Christian Church.
Al-Shikhan, Iraq

Aqueduct of Jerwan

The surviving pieces of an ancient aqueduct that may have fed into the lost Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Al-Chibayish, Iraq

Mudhif Houses

Giant reed houses made in the marshes of Southern Iraq.
Dokan, Iraq

Qyzqapan Tomb

Ancient rock-cut tomb? Definitely. That of a great Median king? Unlikely.
Qurna, Iraq

The Tree of Knowledge

A shrine on the shores of the Tigris.
Amedi, Iraq

Bahdinan Gate

This beautiful arched gate is all that remains of the fortress the ancient mountaintop town of Amadiya once was.
Erbil, Iraq

Erbil Citadel

An ancient fortified mound raised over the millennia from settlements built one on top of the other.
Al-Shikhan, Iraq

Lalish Temple

The sacred shrine of the Yazidis.
Samarra, Iraq

Great Mosque of Samarra

9th century Abbasid mosque, damaged in modern warfare.
Hillah, Iraq


Celebrated as a center of civilization, the remains of the ancient city have been nearly destroyed by greed, egoism, and war.
Mkawer, Jordan

Ma'in Hot Springs

This cascade of mineral-rich hot springs and waterfalls is an oasis in the Jordanian desert.
Amman, Jordan

Umbrella Staircases of Amman

An oasis of shade and color amidst the bustle of the old city.
Madaba, Jordan

Madaba Mosaic Map

The world's oldest map of the holy land gives us a fragmented glimpse of the layout of biblical nations.
Ibsheway, Egypt

Wadi al-Hitan (Valley of the Whales)

Egyptian treasure trove of fossils documenting the whale's transition from land mammal to sea creature.
Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Railway Museum at Sirkeci Terminal

The legendary luxury train passage is commemorated with a charming museum inside its former eastern terminus.
Istanbul, Turkey

Golden Horn Chain

A section of the long chain that blocked enemy ships from entering Constantinople.
Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul 2461

Quite possibly the oldest love poem known to humankind.
Istanbul, Turkey

Viking Runes at Hagia Sophia

A small etching on the white marble parapet was written in runic script by a Viking mercenary.
Istanbul, Turkey

Tombs of the Sultans

Five sultans and their families rest in eternal splendor, teeming with overlooked beauty and drama.
Istanbul, Turkey

Minyatür’s Nautical Instruments

Turkish adventurer antiques in the heart of the Grand Bazaar.
Istanbul, Turkey

Hagia Sophia Wishing Column

Legend says if you stick your thumb in the hole and it gets wet your wish will be granted.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.