laurenbrady138's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Santa Fe, New Mexico

The Harrell House Bug Museum

Thousands of mounted insects, and some live ones, hide within an otherwise ordinary shopping mall.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Dark Bird Palace

A famous flea market artist's studio that's full of odds and ends.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Spitz Clock

This giant pocket watch is the third iteration of a local landmark that has been standing just off the Santa Fe Plaza for over 100 years.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

'Cognition Enhancer'

This sculpture perfectly models the molecular structure of a drug that was never produced.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Camel Rock

A natural formation that resembles a camel resting in the New Mexico desert.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

De Vargas Street House

This southwest-styled home in Santa Fe claims to be the oldest house in America thanks to an ancient bit of foundation.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Botanical Garden at Museum Hill

This high desert botanical garden is a unique display of Northern New Mexico's geology.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Shatter Cones

The shattered remnants of a meteor that struck Santa Fe more than a billion years ago.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Haiku Pathway

A serene garden path lined with 36 haiku stamped into clay stones.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Burning of Zozobra

Setting this massive marionette aflame rids Santa Fe of doom and gloom for another year.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Loretto Chapel

Wedding chapel's mysterious spiral staircase said to be miraculously constructed.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

La Cieneguilla Petroglyph Site

These Pre-Columbian petroglyphs contain representations of birds, deer, hunters, and even some early Native flute players.
New Mexico

Ra Paulette's Hand-Carved Caves

One man has carved a number of natural New Mexico caves into psychedelic sandstone temples.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
Plano, Texas

The Cockroach Hall of Fame Museum

Cockroach Museum features roach celebrities and live hissing cockroaches.
Round Rock, Texas

The Flamingo House

This house proudly displays an interactive and continuously changing exhibit of lawn flamingos.
Marfa, Texas

Food Shark Museum of Electronic Wonders & Late Night Grilled Cheese Parlour

Museum mostly in name, and only a restaurant depending on the day, this place could only exist in Marfa.
Dallas, Texas

Dallas Skyspace

See the sky in a new way through this art installation.
Brackettville, Texas

Alamo Village

Remembering the Alamo with a full-scale replica of the 1836 city.
El Paso, Texas

Wyler Aerial Tramway

This mountain tram provides stunning views while hanging from a single, steel thread.
Alpine, Texas

Target Marathon

This is probably not the Target you're looking for.
Austin, Texas

The Bottle House

Unusual house, in an unusual neighborhood, home to some very unusual peanuts.
Redford, Texas


An abandoned movie set in the desert of West Texas.
Irving, Texas

Momo Spot

Exceptional Nepalese food can be found in a Texas gas station.