audreycanzonieri's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Southwell, England

The Archbishop's Palace

Once a palace for the Archbishop of York, these 15th-century ruins now serve as a haunt for history buffs.
Isle of Wight, England

Blackgang Chine

The UK's oldest theme park slowly slips away.
Kirkby Lonsdale, England

Devil's Bridge

A beautiful medieval bridge allegedly constructed by the Devil.
Bath, England

Sally Lunn's

This restaurant's specialty is "a major enigma for food historians."
Chesterfield, England

Chesterfield Snail

This enormous spiral sculpture looks strangely out of place on the edge of a housing development.
Folkestone, England

Zigzag Path

A winding cave grotto walkway built to provide employment for veterans after World War I.
Wilmington, England

The Long Man of Wilmington

This giant geoglyph of mysterious origins is now the site of neo-pagan rituals.
Brampton Bierlow, England

Needle's Eye

A folly built to satisfy a gentleman's bet that he could drive his horses through the eye of a needle.
Thetford, England

Thetford Warren Lodge

This 15th-century fortification was built to defend bunnies.
Matlock Bath, England

Matlock Bath

A seaside town with no sea in sight.
Merseyside, England

The Dream

Giant statue of a disembodied head.
Shireoaks, England

The Giant's Staircase at Chesterfield Canal

This centuries-old canal known as the Cuckoo Dyke has a staircase of locks suitable for a giant.
Keswick, England

Derwent Pencil Museum

A museum in England’s Lake District dedicated to the trusty pencil wants you to know the story of their World War II spy pencils.
Ridgmont, England

All Saints Church Ruins

This ancient Bedfordshire church was abandoned when the village's population slowly began migrating to new towns.
Bingley, England

Milner Field Ruins

A lavish Victorian mansion wound up inheriting a gruesome reputation that would be its demise.
Lincolnshire, England

The Outer Trial Bank

"The Donut" was built as part of an expensive, ill-fated engineering endeavor.
Durham, England

Durham Obelisk

An abandoned tower once used to study the cosmos hides within a thicket of greenery.
Haslingden, England


At night, the enormous sculpture looks like a UFO hovering above the English hills.
Whitby, England

Fortune's Smokehouse

This tiny traditional smokehouse is the only one left in this historic fishing port.
North Yorkshire, England

Kilburn White Horse

England's largest white horse isn't even white.
Sandown, England

Dinosaur Isle

This purpose-built dinosaur museum is shaped like a pterodactyl and holds fossils that were found in its very village.
Derbyshire, England

Stanage Edge

This iconic Peak District ridge was once one of the busiest roads in medieval Britain.
Alton Barnes, England

Alton Barnes White Horse

This massive chalk hill carving is one of England's most beloved giant horse geoglyphs.
Colchester, England

Essex Witch Hunt Victims Memorial

Centuries later, the victims of Great Britain's greatest hysteria are finally being remembered.