enekomix's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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La Cueva de las Manos (Cave of Hands)

Stenciled handprints and wall paintings dating back 10,000 years, some of the earliest forms of cave art.
Foz do Iguaçu, Argentina

Iguazu Falls

A series of waterfalls so massive they straddle the border of Argentina and Brazil.
Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina

Perito Moreno Glacier

This stunning mass of ice spans 121 square miles and is still growing.
Antofagasta, Chile

Antofagasta Mountainside Messages

Instead of using billboards, some people here relay their messages on the side of a mountain.
Concepción, Chile

'The Presence of Latin America' Mural

The imposing piece of artwork is a celebration of Pan-American fraternity.
Santiago, Chile

Monument to the Indigenous People

This sculpture meant to honor the bravery of the Indigenous Mapuche people of Chile proved controversial.
Concepción, Chile

Enrique Molina Theater

The ruins of a grand theater destroyed during the most powerful seismic catastrophe ever recorded.
Natales, Chile

Glacier Republic

An unrecognized micronation declared by Greenpeace to protect the glaciers of Chile.
Punta Arenas, Chile

Shipwreck of the Lord Lonsdale

The rusty hull of this 1899 ship serves as a tribute to explorers of the bottom of the world.
Lota, Chile

The Devil's Blast

The hellish conditions of this abandoned mine that snakes beneath the Pacific Ocean gave it its diabolic name.
Tamarugal, Chile

The Nitrate Towns of Chile

Towns with a resource known as "white gold," valuable enough to fight a war over, now stand ghostly and empty.
Juan Fernández, Chile

Robinson Crusoe Island

Named for the DeFoe novel inspired by a stranded sailor, this island is known for its rare plants and extreme beauty.
Huara, Chile

Atacama Giant

One of the largest ancient geoglyphs in the world is a tall desert god used for predicting the weather.
Campamento Geotermico Corfo, Chile

El Tatio Geysers

The largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere is a spectacular sight.
Valparaiso, Chile

Elevators of Valparaiso

What was once a unique system of urban elevators is turning into a mechanical ruin.
Panguipulli, Chile

Termas Geometricas

This Japanese-inspired labyrinth of hot springs is hidden in a Chilean forest.
Panguipulli, Chile

Montaña Mágica Lodge

This odd Chilean waterfall-cano hotel must be entered via a rope bridge.
Puerto Río Tranquilo, Chile

Marble Caves of Chile Chico

Mother Nature outdoes herself with this stunningly beautiful set of caves carved into marble.
Rapa Nui, Chile

"El Gigante" and the Moai of Rapa Nui

The largest stone moai on Rapa Nui.
El Alto, Bolivia

Ernesto Che Guevara Statue

This likeness of the famous revolutionary is entirely made of recycled scraps of metal.
Potosi, Bolivia

Potosí Silver Mines

Mountain of unimaginable riches that bankrolled the Spanish Empire, complete with its own underworld god.
Sajama, Bolivia

Sajama Lines

A mysterious ancient network of thousands of perfectly straight lines stretching across miles of Bolivian desert.
La Paz, Bolivia

Mi Teleférico

The soaring gondola lines form the longest aerial cable car system in the world.
La Paz, Bolivia

Museo de la Coca

Museum dedicated to the sacred leaf of the Andes.