amandazummack's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Crosshouse, Scotland

Laigh Milton Viaduct

This abandoned bridge over the River Irvine may be the oldest surviving railway viaduct in the world.
Bowmore, Scotland

Bowmore Round Church

This remote Scottish island has the only round church in the nation.
Carberry, Scotland

Carberry Hill Monument

A small stone pillar marks the spot where Mary, Queen of Scots, spent her final hours as a free woman.
Ceres, Scotland

'Provost of Ceres'

A well-traveled statuette of a much-beloved village icon.
York, England

Reliquary of St. Margaret Clitherow

The preserved left hand of a saint once known as "the Pearl of York."
Walney, England

Piel Island

On this small spit of land, the person who runs the public house is considered the King of Piel Island.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Memsie Round Cairn

The sole surviving large cairn in an area that was once littered with burial monuments.
Fort William, Scotland

Big Red Bottle Boat

In 1990, this 37-foot red steel bottle sailed from New York to England.
Kirkcaldy, Scotland

Grave of Marjorie Fleming

A tribute to a child prodigy who died way too young.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Tenement House

This museum offers a glimpse into early 20th-century Glasgow life.
Dunbar, Scotland

'The DunBear'

This giant steel bear is a tribute to naturalist John Muir.
Blantyre, Scotland

David Livingstone Statue

The only statue ever crafted by award-winning animator Ray Harryhausen.
Warrington, England

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party

In Warrington’s Golden Square, it's always tea time.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Barra Bunting

A collective artwork that any visitor to the islands of Barra and Vatersay can add to.
Port Eynon, Wales

Culver Hole

This tall stone wall with no door and ill-matched windows was built centuries ago, and used as a shelter for domesticated pigeons.
Denbigh, Wales

Maen Huail

Believed to be an execution site used by King Arthur after he was embarrassed.
Manchester, England

Mamucium Fort

Once used to protect important Roman trade routes.
Torryburn, Scotland

Lilias Adie Grave Marker

The long-lost final resting place of an accused witch.
Dundee, Scotland

'Ring O' Roses'

Each section of this public work of art represents one of the city's guilds.
Chertsey, England

Blanche Heriot and the Curfew Bell

A statue of the heroine who stopped time to save her betrothed.
Grimsby, England

Grimsby Imp

A 12th-century church that houses a dark creature.
Tiroran, Scotland

The Fossil Tree and Burg

On a corner of the Ardmeanach peninsula on the Isle of Mull, a 50 million-year-old fossil tree hides in the coastal cliffs.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Hutton Memorial Garden

A stone-filled garden in the heart of Edinburgh commemorates the father of modern geology.
Hawick, Scotland

Stobs Camp

Built as a training camp, this site became a detainment center for prisoners of war and German civilians during World War I.