angelasutt's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chicago, Illinois

Wooden Block Alley

All of Chicago's wood-paved streets are long gone but two alleys remain.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Verzasca, Switzerland

Ponte dei Salti

This medieval footbridge in the Swiss Alps is known to attract cliff-jumping daredevils.
Brusio, Switzerland

Brusio Spiral Viaduct

This work of engineering is imbued with elegance and ingeniousness.
Le Locle, Switzerland

Musée d'Horlogerie du Locle

An amazing clockwork museum in the Val de Travers holds examples of various prestigious legacies horological history.
Geneva, Switzerland

La Tulipe

A rare, flower-shaped example of Brutalist architecture in Switzerland.
Bern, Switzerland


The bears of Bern have been a city highlight for over 500 years.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Andermatt, Switzerland


A breathtaking bridge that crosses a vast gorge over a river's torrents, and has a tale of a devil architect attached.
Bern, Switzerland

The Child Eater of Bern

A nearly 500-year-old sculpture depicts a man eating a sack of babies, and no one is sure why.
Beatenberg, Switzerland

St. Beatus Cave

Caves famous for the dragon-slaying saint who lived there.
Boudry, Switzerland

Saut de Brot

This lovely little bridge hidden in a Switzerland gorge is essentially a fairytale.
Wasserauen, Switzerland

Berggasthaus Aescher Wildkirchli

This 170-year-old Swiss guesthouse built into the side of a mountain is best accessed by a cable car.
Seattle, Washington

"Henry" Murals

Seattle’s Whimsical Mural Master.
Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duquesne Incline

There aren't too many operational funiculars around, but Pittsburgh has two!
Las Vegas, Nevada

Frankie's Tiki Room

The best Tiki bar in Las Vegas.
Denver, Colorado

Meow Wolf Convergence Station

A multiversal transit station located right below a highway interchange.
Denver, Colorado

Hidden Elves at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

A small horde of mythical creatures lurk almost imperceptibly within the museum's wildlife dioramas.
Zurich, Switzerland

Schrödinger's Cat

Hidden in the garden of physicist Erwin Schrödinger's house is a life-size figure of a cat from his famous thought experiment.
Geneva, Switzerland

Statue of Frankenstein's Monster

One of the most historical literary characters continues to stroll his hometown.
Zurich, Switzerland


Though it may look like a businessman's lost luggage, this case suspended under a highway bridge is actually a contemporary art installation.
Lausanne, Switzerland

The Births of the Full Moon

A constellation of golden cobblestones shows the names of local children born under a full moon.
Geneva, Switzerland

Treille Promenade

One of the longest wooden benches in the world snakes around Geneva's Treille Promenade.