Archie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hong Kong

Jumbo Kingdom

A colossal floating restaurant built to look like a ancient Chinese imperial palace.
Hong Kong

Quarry Bay 'Monster Building'

This hulking behemoth is actually five interconnected towers built in the 1960s.
New Delhi, India

Yamuna Ghat

Ancient traditions and surreal birdwatching come into sharp relief along one of the world's most polluted rivers.
Tegar, India

Zamskhang Palace Ruins

This abandoned palace and the stupas around it conceal beautiful Buddhist frescoes, statues, and silk paintings.
Mahendragarh, India

Mukundpura Baoli

This diminutive yet beautiful local stepwell once yielded enough water to irrigate the lush fields of the village.
Mumbai, India

Tower of Silence in Mumbai

A Zoroastrian funerary tower where excarnation rituals are carried out is threatened by the area's dwindling vulture population.
Jatinga, India

Jatinga Bird Deaths

A small village in India bears witness to the end of birds' lives every September.
Kokilamukh, India

The Molai Forest

An Indian forest is being single-handedly planted after its creator was inspired by a slither of dead snakes.
Narmada, India

Statue of Unity

The tallest statue in the world is twice the height of the Statue of Liberty.
RajendraNarayanpur, India

Gahirmatha Turtle Sanctuary

More than 2 million Olive Ridley sea turtles are hatched from this mass nesting ground every year.
Nannambra, India

Village of Twins

A village in India with a mysteriously high number of twins.
Mandu, India

Ujala Baoli

This magical and eccentric stepwell is a hidden treasure within the ancient fort city of Mandu.
Allahabad, India

The Triveni Sangam

The world's largest human gathering is held at the confluence of three sacred rivers, one of which is mythical.
Kanyakumari, India

Thiruvalluvar Statue

A towering work of stone and philosophy that was constructed using ancient Hindu science.
New Delhi, India

India Gate Canopy

The mysterious empty cupola behind the monumental arch points to an ancient prophecy of Delhi.
Chamoli, India

Nanda Devi

One of the tallest mountains in India was closed for years after a botched CIA mission.
Mumbai, India

Gilbert Hill

A 66-million-year-old rock formation stands tall over Mumbai, offering stellar city views.
Mahabalipuram, India

Krishna's Butter Ball

This precariously balanced boulder is said to be a hunk of stolen butter dropped by the gods.
Jaipur, India

Amber Fort

This opulent 16th-century Maharaja’s palace is a unique mix of Hindu and Muslim designs.
Jodhpur, India

Rajaram Meghwal Burial Place

Legend has it a commoner volunteered to be buried alive in the foundation so that the great fortress could be built.
Kanadukathan, India

The Mansions of Kanadukathan

A collection of crumbling mansions stand as a reminder of a more prosperous time in this Indian village.
Puri, India

Jagannath Temple

This 11th-century temple gave rise to the word "juggernaut," as well as some mysteries that defy scientific explanation.
Narlai, India

Narlai Stepwell

Designed to serve primarily the Maharaja, this is an interesting variation on the traditional stepped well.
Varanasi, India

Ratneshwar Mahadev Temple

Known as the leaning temple, the sacred structure has somehow developed a severe nine-degree slant.