agrahamwiggins's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Poreč, Croatia

Joakim Rakovac Memorial

A monument to one of Croatia's famous freedom fighters.
Krakow, Poland

Muzeum Gier Wideo (Krakow Arcade Museum)

Where visitors can play more than 150 retro arcade games.
Gdańsk, Poland

St. Bridget's Church

One of the world's largest amber altarpieces is housed within this reconstructed medieval church.
Poczopek, Poland

'Pracownia (Studio) Forresta Bessa'

A marker honors the brief peace found by a tormented artist in the fictional land of Kcymaerxthaere.
Szałe, Poland

Szczepan Mucha's Wooden Sculptures

Disturbing works of outsider art, carved from whole logs.
płocki, Poland

Warsaw Radio Mast Remains

The shattered remains of the world's once tallest structure.
gołdapski, Poland

Stańczyki Viaducts

The two abandoned overpasses are among the largest bridges in Poland.
Warsaw, Poland

Polish Army Museum

This extensive collection covers thousands of years of Polish military history.
Wisniowa, Poland

Oak Jozef

The hollow trunk of this 650-year-old tree was used as a hideout by two Jewish brothers during World War II.
Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland

Modlin Fortress Granary

In northeastern Poland, the ruins of a massive granary overlook the Narew River.
Sopot, Poland

Krzywy Domek - Crooked House

This fairytale inspired, warped building houses restaurants, shops, and a radio station.
Wrocław, Poland

The Train to Heaven

A 90-ton, gravity-defiant steam locomotive shoots for the skies in this bizarrely beautiful public artwork.
Łapalice, Poland

Łapalice Castle

This imposing 20th-century castle was abandoned before it was ever completed.
Warsaw, Poland

Oberża Pod Czerwonym Wieprzem

Order “Proletariat’s Cutlet” at this communist-themed restaurant allegedly once visited by Lenin.