birresus's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Heritage Museum

A little barn in the middle of the city preserving Hollywood treasures since 1985.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Love Letter Murals

One artist's love letter to his city and its citizens plays out across dozens of bright murals painted on the sides of decrepit buildings.
San Bernardino County, California

Amboy Crater

This dormant volcanic crater has been converted from a roiling pit of magma to a pleasant hiking spot.
Charleston, Illinois

Airtight Bridge

The legacy of an unsolved, gruesome murder rests beneath the spans of this historic bridge.
Los Angeles, California

Candy Cane Lane

Come crisp December nights, this fairly plain neighborhood becomes a holiday dream world.
Chicago, Illinois

Money Museum

This museum celebrating the almighty dollar lets visitors literally stand in the shadow of a million bucks.
Buford, Wyoming

Buford, Wyoming: Population 0

One of the smallest towns in the United States.
San Diego, California

Harper's Topiary Garden

A couple turned their front yard into an artistic masterpiece.
Sacramento, California

Dragon House

An eccentric home stands out in an otherwise average neighborhood with mosaics, mini topiaries, and kinetic sculpture.
Santa Clarita, California

St. Francis Dam

The Los Angeles flood disaster that took 400 lives and ended the career of William Mulholland.
Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell McDonald's

This fast-food outlet is the only space and UFO-themed McDonalds in the world.
Amargosa Valley, Nevada

Devil's Hole

Water of undetermined depth has attracted rare fish and cult leaders alike.
Beverly Hills, California

Greystone Mansion

Stroll the grounds built by murder, suicide, and dirty oil money at one of Hollywood's most filmed mansions.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Cinder Lake Crater Field

An artificial crater field that trained astronauts for lunar exploration.
Metropolis, Illinois

The Super Museum

You have to love a museum with a truly dedicated focus. A focus on Superman, for example.
Chicago, Illinois

Gullivers Pizza

Pizza with a side of fine art.
Los Angeles, California

Walt Disney's Carolwood Barn

The famous animator's private station house and man-cave was the birthplace of imagineering.
Memphis, Tennessee

The Crystal Shrine Grotto

This head-spinningly bizarre Depression-era art cave is wall-to-wall quartz and Jesus.
Lucerne Valley, California

King Clone

A ring of creosote bushes that are estimated to be 11,700 years old.
Memphis, Tennessee

National Civil Rights Museum

The hotel where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot is now a museum dedicated to his work.
San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Park

The headquarters of a secretive order is also a beautifully-designed park.
Rockford, Michigan

The Corner Bar and Hot Dog Hall of Fame

With over 5,000 champions, the Hall of Fame continues to draw amateur eaters.
Tombstone, Arizona

The Bird Cage Theater

An old saloon in the West filled with history, and according to some, a few dozen ghosts.
Burlington, Kentucky

Rabbit Hash

Rabbit Hash is a heaping slice of Americana from another era, with a very peculiar origin behind its unusual name.