dandal67's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Antonio, Texas

Japanese Tea Garden

A gorgeous garden oasis with winding paths, stone bridges, and a troubling history.
Panhandle, Texas

Pantex Plant

The only nuclear weapon assembly and disassembly plant in the U.S.
Brookville, Kansas

Mushroom Rock State Park

Curious rock formations in a tiny Kansas state park.
Lindsborg, Kansas

Coronado Heights Castle

Marking the spot where a conquistador gave up his search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold.
Hutchinson, Kansas


The world’s largest combined collection of U.S. and Russian aircraft got its start in a poultry building.
Robins Air Force Base, Georgia

Museum of Aviation

A fascinating aviation museum where you can chat with the veterans who once flew the aircraft on display.
Valle, Arizona

Valle Planes of Fame Air Museum

An incredible airplane graveyard sits outside this small museum dedicated to preserving aviation history.
Savigny-lès-Beaune, France

Château de Savigny-lès-Beaune

This French chateau is home to the world’s largest private collection of fighter jets.
Olive Branch, Mississippi

Brussel's Bonsai Nursery

Walk through row upon row of manicured miniature trees at the United States' largest bonsai nursery.
Wimberley, Texas

Jacob's Well

A popular swimming hole that hides one of America's most deadly diving spots.

Dean's Blue Hole

One of the deepest blue holes in the world.
Anacapri, Italy

Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto)

The glowing blue Nymphaeum of Emperor Tiberius.
Dripping Springs, Texas

Hamilton Pool

An emerald-green grotto just a short trip from Austin.
Round Mountain, Texas

Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center

This beautiful grotto is one of those places where you can't believe you're just outside Austin.
Houston, Texas

Palace of the Golden Orbs

An unrealized Taoist palace left abandoned in a Houston suburb.
Murfreesboro, Arkansas

Crater of Diamonds State Park

The only diamond mine in the world where you can keep what you find.
Samovodene, Bulgaria

Transfiguration Monastery

Outstanding, eerie frescoes and decorations fill this 19th-century monastery.
Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania

The Sonorous Stones of Ringing Rocks Park

Mysterious rocks that ring musically when struck.
Willoughby, Ohio

The Girl in Blue

Solving a 60-year mystery finally gave a name to the young woman known only by the color of her clothes.
Whitby, England

Fortune's Smokehouse

This tiny traditional smokehouse is the only one left in this historic fishing port.
Williamsburg, Virginia

The King’s Arms Tavern

Dine like an American revolutionary at Colonial Williamsburg.
Tampa, Florida

Columbia Restaurant

This grand Spanish-Cuban restaurant has been serving customers for more than a century.
Brooklyn, New York

Acme Smoked Fish

“Wagon Jobber" turned smokehouse magnate's family-owned business is still going strong 100 years later.
San felice del Benaco, Italy

Isola del Garda

A small island in Lake Garda that was used as a burial site, pirate hideout, and a monastery.