ddandrews's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Euston's Lost Tunnels

A network of concealed passageways lies within a busy London Underground station.
Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Spain

Castillo Torre Salvana

The abandoned ruins of a beautiful medieval castle just outside Barcelona.
Cardiff, Wales

Roman Walls of Cardiff Castle

The castle still holds traces of the abandoned Roman fort it was built atop.
Jodhpur, India

Mehrangarh Fort

This stunning 15th-century royal hill fort preserves the age of chivalry in Rajasthan.
Leonora, Australia

Gwalia Ghost Town

This once-booming gold mining hub was basically abandoned overnight.
Isola San Giulio, Italy

Isola San Giulio

A fairytale island floats in the middle of Italy's little-known Lake Orta.
Abang, Indonesia

Pura Lempuyang Luhur

Bali's remote "gateway to heaven" is one of the most sacred places on the island.
Istanbul, Turkey

Ottoman Bird Palaces

The ornate miniature mansions were built for Istanbul's feathered residents.
Dandarah, Egypt

Hathor Temple

One of the most well-preserved temples of ancient Egypt.
Moss Landing, California

Elkhorn Slough

More than 700 species live within this murky marvel of a swamp on California's coast.
Athens, Greece

Tower of the Winds

An ancient octagonal weather station named for the eight Greek gods of wind.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


An ancient passage filled with stalls selling used books, once frequented by Vincent Van Gogh.

Gaberoun Oasis

A deserted Bedouin village lines the shores of this stunning desert oasis.
Matmatat-Al-Qadimal, Tunisia

Matmata Underground Houses

Made famous by 'Star Wars,' these troglodyte homes face an uncertain future.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Zone Rouge

A swath of France so devastated by war it is still forbidden to go there.
Nottingham, England

The Lost Caves

Hidden in a grotto 26 feet below Nottingham's oldest hotel, this stylish subterranean drinking den is notoriously hard to find.
Mitaoli, India

Chausath Yogini Temple

This ancient goddess temple inspired the design of India’s Parliament House.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Calum's Road

One man spent 10 years building a spectacular section of road because no one else would.
Cantil, California


Salt is slowly eating away this abandoned saltworks town in the desert.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
San Francisco, California

Book Club of California

In this century-old literary safehouse, print is alive and well.
Los Angeles, California

Autry National Center

Wild West history in Hollywood style.
San Diego, California

Spruce Street Suspension Bridge

An inconspicuous footbridge beloved by San Diego locals.
Los Angeles, California

Venice of America Canals

After starting as a whimsical tourist attraction that eventually found its way to ruin, these renovated canals offer a lush and exotic locale on the Pacific Coast.