eveisweird's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stockholm, Sweden

Nobel Ice Cream

This legendary dessert was served to Nobel laureates for decades.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Anti-Saxophone Sign at SSE

Absolutely no saxophones in the library.
Stockholm, Sweden

Lyells Ek (Lyell's Oak)

This tree was once used to calculate the decrease of the Baltic Sea.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm University Arboretum

A collection of trees from various corners of the world call Stockholm University home.
Stockholm, Sweden


Twice a year, this floating library delivers thousands of books to the remote islands of Stockholm’s archipelago.
Stockholm, Sweden

Lappis Scream

Every Tuesday, students let off steam by screaming into the night air.
Stockholm, Sweden


A Japanese video game arcade hides in the back of a Swedish pool hall.
Stockholm, Sweden

Mårten Trotzigs Gränd

Stockholm's narrowest alley is barely over two feet wide.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Cuckold of Skeppsbron

A man has revenged his true love's betrayal through tears and stone genitalia.
Stockholm, Sweden

Snösätra Wall of Fame

Street artists transformed this abandoned industrial neighborhood into one of Europe's largest graffiti exhibitions.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kungsträdgården Metro Station

Stockholm's deepest subway station is also a stunning ecological wonder.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stadsbiblioteket (Stockholm Public Library)

The library's graceful rotunda is like a bibliophile's temple.
Stockholm, Sweden

Victoriahuset (Victoria House)

A rare surviving Victorian greenhouse designed specifically to house giant water lilies.
Stockholm, Sweden


A hidden bathhouse in one of Stockholm's oldest and busiest neighborhoods is open to anyone who can find it.
Helmond, Netherlands


An interactive museum dedicated to preserving and sharing the history of the home computer.
Eindhoven, Netherlands

Van Gogh Bicycle Path

Inspired by "The Starry Night" this Dutch bike path turns into a glowing work of art each night.
Eindhoven, Netherlands


A UFO-shaped event building originally intended to be a science museum showcasing the future.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Keith Haring Mural

This massive mural by famed pop-artist Keith Haring was hidden for almost 30 years until its 2018 rediscovery.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Huis te Vraag Cemetery

An overgrown and largely forgotten cemetery lies hidden within the outskirts of Amsterdam.
Spijkenisse, Netherlands

Book Mountain

Peek through a transparent pyramid and drink in the mountain made of books.
Giethoorn, Netherlands


This small town in the Netherlands has no roads but instead, miles of canals and over 100 bridges.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Cat art as far as the eye can see.