clairemaitimp's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Las Vegas, Nevada

'Bliss Dance'

An enormous illuminated figure dances on the Las Vegas strip.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Mystic Falls Park

This vintage animatronics show is the Vegas version of a walk through the woods.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Flamingo Habitat

An exotic wildlife habitat right off The Strip.
Las Vegas, Nevada

KISS by Monster Mini Golf

A blacklight mini-golf fever dream pays tribute to the iconic rock band.
Henderson, Nevada

Ethel M Botanical Cactus Garden

Nevada's largest cactus collection stands outside a candy mogul's small factory.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum

A collection of haunted objects and macabre oddities under one roof.
Henderson, Nevada

The Simpsons House

Originally built as a promotional giveaway, this suburban house was designed to be an IRL version of the Simpson home.
Las Vegas, Nevada

High Roller

One of the world's tallest Ferris wheels takes visitors high above Las Vegas in a spinning party room.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Frankie's Tiki Room

The best Tiki bar in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, Nevada


These banned cigarette vending machines now sell little pieces of pocket-sized art.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Pinball Hall of Fame

This incredible collection of vintage pinball machines can be played at 25 cents a pop.
Las Vegas, Nevada


James Turrell's total color immersion art installation, hidden on the top floor of a luxury handbag shop.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Neon Museum

The neon signs from Las Vegas' past find their final resting place at this unusual graveyard.
Moab, Utah

Potash Evaporation Ponds

Few things look more out of place than the electric blue ponds in the reddish-brown desert of Utah.
Monticello, Utah

Home of Truth

This ghost town was once a cult-like religious utopian settlement.
Burlington, Colorado

Kit Carson County Carousel

One of few remaining antique carousels with stationary animals in the U.S.
Central City, Colorado

The Face on the Barroom Floor

This underfoot portrait is the work of a disgruntled painter inspired by a tragic poem.
Bedrock, Colorado

Paradox Valley

A river runs through this remote valley in a very unexpected way.
Mack, Colorado

A Trail Through Time

This interpretive path lets you get up close and personal with dinosaur bones.
Aspen, Colorado

Hunter S. Thompson Shrine

“You better take care of me Lord, if you don't you're gonna have me on your hands.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Boulder, Colorado

NIST-F1 Cesium Fountain Atomic Clock

The clock that sets them all.
Trinidad, Colorado

Ludlow Massacre Site

The scene of one of the darkest moments in American labor history has been left essentially untouched since the tragedy.
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Gnome Road

A collection of fading fantasy tchotchkes lines this dirt road in the Colorado wilderness.