Funambulist's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bayeux, France
Places visited in Motobu, Japan
Places visited in Split, Croatia
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Paris, France

Lasco Project at Palais de Tokyo

A modern-day Lascaux cave underneath Paris.
Paris, France

Louis XIV's Globes

Two awe-inspiring globes from the reign of the Sun King hang from the ceiling of France's national library.
Paris, France

Le Passe-Muraille

This surreal statue brings a famous French novel about a supernatural cad to arresting life.
Paris, France

Thanksgiving Grocery

An all-American grocery store in Paris sells U.S. "cuisine" like Pop-Tarts and Heinz ketchup to homesick ex-pats.
Paris, France

La REcyclerie

This Parisian café sticks almost exclusively to an ethos of reuse.
Paris, France

The Last Original Standard Metre

An overlooked marble is the only surviving in-place 18th century example of the measurement that changed how we define distance.
Paris, France

Musée d'Anatomie Delmas-Orfila-Rouvière

The largest medical and anatomical collection in France lies hidden from the public.
Şuşa, Azerbaijan

Hunot Gorge

A scenic canyon with thick forests and historic ruins.
Milan, Italy

Horned Madonna of Portinari Chapel

The odd depiction of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus is rooted in the Catholic Church's eradication of Catharism.
Pinhal Novo, Portugal

Museum of Mechanical Music

This architectural beauty is the home to a personal collection of more than 600 examples of mechanical musical instruments.
Bridgnorth, England

Bridgnorth Cliff Railway

This charming railway is one of the oldest and steepest funiculars in England.
Blatce, Czechia

Houska Castle

Folklore says this medieval fortress was plopped atop a portal to hell to trap the demons below.
Berrioplano, Spain

Fort of San Cristóbal

This huge abandoned fortress hidden inside a mountain holds a world of subterranean secrets.
Moscow, Russia

Moscow Metro Stations

The gorgeous entrances into the city's underbelly look more like grand halls than subway stops.
Dorset, Vermont

Freedlyville Quarry

This cavernous abandoned marble mine is popular with ice skaters in the winter.
Little Rock, Arkansas

H.U. Lee International Gate and Garden

A beautiful South Korean gate and garden in Little Rock honors American Taekwondo.
Exeter, England

Parliament Street

At just 25 inches at its narrowest point, it's one of the tightest streets in the world.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Lord Botetourt

Affectionately known as "Lord Bot," this historic statue has a cult social media following and rightly claims to be “the most metal inhabitant of the Wren Yard.”
Cornwall, England

Goonhilly Earth Station

Arthur, Merlin, and Guinevere are among the largest and oldest satellite dishes on the planet.
Washington, D.C.

Potomac Park Flood Levee

This mysterious structure by the Washington Monument is a flood barrier designed to protect the White House against rising waters.
London, England

Novelty Automation

A tongue-in-cheek arcade where the games are based on everyday life.
Karlukovo, Bulgaria

The Eyes of God

The ceiling of Prohodna Cave in northern Bulgaria affords a peek at the sky via two deity-sized-eye-shaped holes.
London, England

World's Largest Potted Plant

The cedar tree in Highgate Cemetery earned its title by accident.
Goleta, California

Monument to the Bombardment of Ellwood

The first attack on the continental U.S. during WWII occurred off the coast of a quiet California golf course.