gardnstate's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Suzhou, China

Precious Belt Bridge

This bridge dates back to the 9th century and allows visitors to walk an ancient path amid modern industrial trappings.
Guiyang, China

Liebian International Building

On special occasions, one of the world's tallest artificial waterfalls gushes down the side of this Chinese skyscraper.
Huzhou Shi, China

Anji Bamboo Museum

Home to around 40 different species, this forest was also the setting for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
Chengdu, China

Qin Shan Zhai

Every dish at this restaurant claims to have a health benefit.
Zhengzhou, China

Yan Huang Plaza

350-foot-high emperor faces in China's Yellow River valley.
Xian Shi, China

Xi'an City Walls

An ancient fortification lives on in this Chinese city.
Jingzhou, China

Guan Yu Statue

China has many statues of the general and war god, but none are as epic as this.
Jincheng, Taiwan

Jhaishan Tunnel

The wartime boat shelter now doubles as an underground concert hall where musicians play on rafts along the waterway.
Wulumuqi Shi, China

Tarim Mummies

These excavated burials from the Tarim Basin are wrapped in mystery.
Diqing Zangzuzizhizhou, China

Tiger Leaping Gorge

One of the word's deepest gorges is also tied to a fantastic legend.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Film Park

This film studio and amusement park is considered one of the greatest filming locations in China.
Guangzhou, China

Guangzhou Circle

The world's tallest circular building is loaded with symbolism, but many just see a big donut.
Haidong Shi, China

White Horse Temple (白马寺)

This temple located on a vertical drop of a rocky mountain houses relics from the Song Dynasty.
Nanjing, China

Librairie Avant-Garde

With former lives as a bomb shelter and government parking lot, this shop is one of China’s most extraordinary locales for book-lovers.
Guangzhou, China

Whitewater Village Scenic Area

Man-made waterfall is the tallest in Mainland China.
Shanghai, China

Guangfulin Relics Park

This theme park presents 5,000 years of Shanghai history and includes a "sunken" exhibition hall.
Xian Shi, China

Huaqing Pools

These mountain hot springs have seen power struggles, doomed romances, and a generalissimo's attempted escape from mutiny.
Zigong, China

Zigong Dinosaur Museum

China's monumental dinosaur museum featuring an open dig site.
Tulufan Shi, China


Natives of this mud-brick desert village use an ancient irrigation system to grow sweet, seedless grapes.
Huizhou, China

Hallstatt, China

A Chinese mining company has created the world's first cloned village in this perfect recreation of an Austrian town.
Hangzhou, China


In its continuing quest to recreate famous parts of the world in miniature, China now has its own ghost Paris.
Hulun Buir, China

Matryoshka Square (Russian Taowa Square)

Hundreds of large Russian nesting dolls decorate this square, and the largest is a functioning hotel.
Shijiazhuang, China

Jade Burial Suits

Stone shrouds of Prince Liu Sheng and Princess Dou Wan of the Han Dynasty, created to preserve their flesh for eternity.
Alxa, China

Mystery Lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert

No one is exactly sure why over a hundred lakes have formed amongst the tallest sand dunes on Earth.