Happy Rider's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ballandean, Australia

Ballandean Pyramid

A huge stone pyramid built for fun.
Callanna, Australia

Marree Man

Not a single witness can attest to the creation of the world's largest geoglyph.
Woomera, Australia

Woomera Range Complex

Bomb tests and sheep ranchers share the world's largest military land base.
Blinman, Australia

'Harsh Pasture'

In the Flinders Ranges of South Australia, this marker marks the severe haven of War Kangaroos that once roamed here in the fictional parallel world of Kcymaerxthaere.
Blinman, Australia


Past Blinman, past the end of the asphalt, in the majesty of the Flinders Ranges, you will come upon three stone markers by the road.
Port Pirie, Australia

Port Pirie Barnacle Bill

Worship at the altar of seafood at this fish-and-chip shop housed inside the town's oldest stone church.
Pekina, Australia

Magnetic Hill

When you get to Magnetic Hill park near the sign, put your vehicle in neutral gear, and watch it roll uphill...
Upper Allyn, Australia

Boot Hill

Thousands of used shoes create a unique public art exhibit along this old paddock fence.
Styx, Australia

Styx Valley Forest

Rainforest filled with record-holding eucalyptus.
Glenelg, Australia

Archer's Arcadia

Arcade chock-full of old timey, whimsical, hand-cranked automata and peepshows.
Sheffield, Australia

Tasmania's 'Town of Murals'

The once-dying town of Sheffield, Tasmania has reinvented itself as a village of painted wonders.
Pyengana, Australia

St Columba Falls

A granite waterfall cascading down is one of the highest multi-tiered falls in the state.
Mount Gambier, Australia

Umpherston Sinkhole

An incredible garden taking over the interior of a massive sinkhole.
Silverton, Australia

Mad Max 2 Museum

This shrine to film's most iconic wasteland wanderer is located in the very outback where the movies were shot.
Williamstown, Australia

Titanic Theatre Restaurant

Enjoy all the trappings from 1912 aboard this Titanic-themed restaurant.
Melbourne, Australia

Cow Up a Tree

This piece of Australian modern art is part joke and part history.
Melbourne, Australia

Coop's Shot Tower

This historic Melbourne bullet factory is fully encased in a massive glass and steel cone.
Melbourne, Australia

The Bunyip of Berkeley's Creek

A friendly monster lurks outside the State Library Victoria.
Melbourne, Australia

'Mr. Lizard and Gumnut Baby' Statue

Children's author May Gibbs's beloved stories about the tiny, human-like "Gumnut Babies" are immortalized in bronze.
Melbourne, Australia

Fairies Tree

A whimsical menagerie of creatures carved into a 300-year-old tree trunk.
Box Hill, Australia

Box Hill Brick Works

A local landmark that has become a hub of graffiti and urban exploration.
Bundoora, Australia

Upside-Down Charles La Trobe Statue

This strange portrayal of the state's first lieutenant-governor literally stands on its head.
Bundoora, Australia

Larundel Mental Asylum

Dilapidated ruins that once treated a notorious young serial killer, currently hosting vandals, squatters, and ghost hunters.
Crowdy Bay National Park, Australia

Kylie Tennant's Hut

An Australian novelist's cozy coastal retreat, turned campground.