jamespitt66's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kawasaki, Japan

Anata No Warehouse

This faux-seedy Japanese arcade is made up to look like a maze of alleys straight out of a cyberpunk dystopia.
Tokyo, Japan

'Astro Boy Mosaic'

Japan's iconic sci-fi hero rendered to 8-bit by notorious French street artist Invader.
Kochi, Japan

Berobero no Kamisama

This extremely naked God of Drunkards welcomes visitors to Kochi Station.
Tokyo, Japan

Asakura Gallery

Kawaii meets poisonous at this unique art gallery.
Tokyo, Japan

'Antinous as Vertumnus'

Unbeknownst to most passersby, this marble statue standing outside an office building is a genuine piece of second-century Rome.
Takayama, Japan

Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum

Its collection distills more than 60 years of pop culture in Japan, from Godzilla to Hulk Hogan.
Tokyo, Japan

Kototoi Bridge

Tragic reminders of the 1945 firebombing campaign over Tokyo still haunt this bridge.
Tokyo, Japan

Hakubutsukan-Dōbutsuen Station

Take a few seconds to look at this abandoned, art-filled station as you pass by on the subway to Ueno.
Tokyo, Japan

Nihonbashi Kirin Statues

Mythical beasts symbolizing the city of Tokyo guard a historic bridge.
Tokyo, Japan

Tateishi Burger Vending Machine

A charming, homemade vending machine dispenses burgers and sandwiches at this hole-in-the-wall bakery.
Tokyo, Japan

Little Peeing Monk of Tokyo

This Japanese Manneken Pis gets new outfits for every occasion.
Unzen-shi, Japan

Obama Onsen

Japan's hottest hot spring has a memorable name.
Kawazu, Japan

Kawazu Nanadaru Loop Bridge

An ingenious solution to a tricky engineering problem, this spiraling bridge takes drivers for a dizzying spin.
Osaka, Japan

Izakaya Toyo

Blowtorches, tuna, and a jolly, chain-smoking proprietor mark this beloved street-food stand.
Ōsaki, Japan

Kejonuma Leisure Land

A quaint amusement park now sits, rusting and forgotten among the foliage.

Seikan Tunnel

The world's longest tunnel with an undersea section.
Kyoto, Japan

Honke Owariya

One of Kyoto's oldest food establishments has supplied soba noodles to temple priests and the Imperial Palace.
Tamana, Japan


A mysterious set of tunnels carved in the hills of rural northern Kyushu.
Inakadate, Japan

Inakadate Tanbo Art

Giant art made in Japanese rice fields.
Nagasaki, Japan

Atomic Bomb Medical Museum

A sobering scientific reminder of the human damage caused by the advent of the nuclear age.
Kawasaki, Japan

The Puchicalator

The world's shortest escalator doesn't seem to have any reason to exist other than to hold a world record.
Tomigusuku, Japan

Naval Underground Headquarters

Elaborate series of tunnels where traces of mass suicide are still visible.
Tokyo, Japan

Shitamachi Museum

A museum dedicated to the history of Tokyo's often-overlooked working-class district.
Nagoro, Japan

Nagoro Village

As the aging humans of this Japanese village die off one local artisan is replacing them with eerie homonculi.