jmphillips77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Athens, Greece

The Olive Tree of the Acropolis

Legend says this sacred tree was a gift from goddess Athena.
Athens, Greece

Choregic Monument of Thrasyllos (Panagia Speliotissa)

An ancient Greek monument and a Byzantine church coexist inside this cave.
Athens, Greece

Archaeological Site inside Monastiraki Metro Station

View the ancient remains of buildings and the ancient "River of Hades" before hopping on a train.
Athens, Greece

To Steki Tou Ilia

Tear apart fatty, gently charred lamb chops with your bare hands.
Athens, Greece


Savor sheep milk yogurt at the last of Athens' dairy bars.
Neustadt, Germany

The Mummy of Knight Kahlbutz

The natural mummy of the less than chivalrous Knight Kahlbutz.
Rheinsberg, Germany

Rheinsberg Nuclear Power Plant

This decommissioned nuclear power plant offers tours of its Communist-era control room and reactor hall.
Templin, Germany

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Traffic Signs

The world's most delightful not-NOT-religion welcomes visitors to the town of Templin, just like its more stoic peers.
Potsdam, Germany


Solar observatory doubles as a daring display of Expressionist architecture, much to Einstein's chagrin.
Oranienburg, Germany

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

The site of a concentration camp where inmates were made to take part in one of the largest counterfeiting operations in history is now hauntingly empty.
Potsdam, Germany

Großer Refraktor (Great Refractor)

One of the largest refracting telescopes in the world, and the first built specifically for studying astrophysics.
Potsdam, Germany


This spectrum of a star was observed by one of the world's most accurate spectrographs. 
Schönefeld, Germany

'Der Fall Daidalos und Ikaros' ('The Case of Daedalus and Icarus')

This curious sculpture represents the perseverance needed to take to the skies.
Berlin, Germany


This conical hill was built as a testing ground for an engineer known as the Glider King.
Berlin, Germany


An abandoned NSA listening post on Berlin's "Devil's Mountain."
Berlin, Germany

Messedamm Underpass

You've probably seen these distinctive orange-tiled columns on the big screen.
Berlin, Germany

German-Russian Museum

A museum in the building where Nazi Germany signed its surrender tells the story of World War II from the Soviet perspective.
Berlin, Germany

Schwarzes Café

Dine at a legendary after-hours joint frequented by David Bowie and Iggy Pop.
Berlin, Germany

Bahnhof Berlin Zoologischer Garten

Metro station with a claim to rock n' roll fame.
Berlin, Germany

Mengenlehreuhr (Berlin Clock)

The world's first clock to use set theory as a measure of time required the invention of a new light bulb just to maintain its obtuse measurements.
Berlin, Germany

Konditorei Buchwald

For more than 170 years, this family-run bakery has been serving Berlin’s best Baumkuchen, or “tree cake.”
Berlin, Germany

'Stand By Me' Tree

Someone loved this song enough to carve all of its lyrics onto a tree trunk in a Berlin park.
Berlin, Germany

Oberhafenkantine Berlin

A portable, wooden replica (minus the hyphen) of Hamburg’s iconic crooked coffee shop.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Unterwelten (Subterranean Berlin)

A tour of underground Berlin takes you through WWII air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people out of East Germany.