jollyrollynyc's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mexico City, Mexico

Ocelotl Cuauhxicalli

This colossal ancient jaguar sculpture was used as a vessel for the hearts torn from sacrificial victims.
Mexico City, Mexico

Serpents of the Great Temple

These spectacular, symbolic serpents lie within the shadow of the Great Temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

Disk of Death

This strange sculpture of a menacing skull surrounded by sun rays was discovered at the foot of the Pyramid of the Sun.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

Pyramids of Tenayuca

A barbarous band of serpents guard the bases of these Aztec temples.
Mexico City, Mexico

Pyramids of Tlatelolco

These haunting ruins of a 700-year-old Prehispanic city have witnessed centuries of wars and massacres.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa Azul

Frida Kahlo's childhood home, now a museum of her life and works.
Moscow, Russia

Peter the Great Statue

One of the world's tallest statues is also one of its most hated.
Moscow, Russia

Monument to the Conquerors of Space

Moscow's imposing monument to the Space Age.
Moscow, Russia

House With Animals

Its front wall is striped with a menagerie of fantastic beasts and magnificent monsters.
Moscow, Russia

Fallen Monument Park

A sculpture park of the tossed aside relics of the USSR, from Stalin to a massive Soviet emblem.
Moscow, Russia

Children are the Victims of Adult Vices

Thirteen sculptures in central Moscow graphically depicting vices of the modern world.
Moscow, Russia

Moscow Metro Stations

The gorgeous entrances into the city's underbelly look more like grand halls than subway stops.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin's Mausoleum

This building holds the embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Chicago, Illinois

Rock N Roll McDonald's and Museum

The palatial McDonald's that inspired Wesley Willis.
Chicago, Illinois

Lower Lower Wacker Drive

Illegal drag racing two stories beneath Chicago’s streets.
Park Ridge, Illinois

American Science & Surplus

A science teacher's dream.
Montreal, Québec

La Sala Rossa

From lefty Jewish gathering site to hip cultural site in just 80 years.
Montreal, Québec

Farine Five Roses Sign

Two thirds of this Montreal neon icon has survived to flash another day.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.
Montreal, Québec

Marché Jean-Talon

Montreal's giant farmer's market is a foodie's best friend, especially in the winter months.
Montreal, Québec

Habitat 67

This 1967 experiment in modular architecture was designed to be a new model for urban living.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Smoot Measurements

In 1958, an MIT fraternity pledge laid down on this bridge and instituted a new, unique unit of measurement.
Boston, Massachusetts

Rainbow Swash

The world's largest piece of copyrighted artwork.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Liberty Tree

The former site of an all-but-forgotten colonial landmark is now remembered by an often overlooked bas relief.