justyourimagination's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kangaroo Island Council, Australia

Kangaroo Island Bee Sanctuary

An island off the coast of South Australia is home to the last purebred Ligurian bees.

Lake Abraham

The frozen bubbles that form on the icy surface of this Canadian lake contain enough methane to create a small explosion.
Boissevain, Manitoba

International Peace Garden

This park straddling the United States-Canadian border has been a symbol of peace since 1932.
Banff, Alberta

Banff Springs Hotel

Few other hotels can rival the grandeur of the Castle in the Rockies.
Bankhead, Alberta

Bankhead Ghost Town

The ruins of the "20-year town" lay out among the mountains of Alberta.
Improvement District No. 9, Alberta

Lake Minnewanka Underwater Ghost Town

The only way to visit this old resort hotel is with scuba gear.
Columbia Falls, Montana

Montana Vortex and House of Mystery

A classic mystery spot complete with spots that are said to make you shrink or grow when you stand on them.
Canmore, Alberta

Curbside Museum

A small and quirky museum hidden inside a fence.
Kananaskis, Alberta

The Vault

What was to be the world's most secure Cold War document vault ended up as just a few shallow caves.
Choteau, Montana

Old Trail Museum

Touch an actual dinosaur bone at this eclectic trove of Rocky Mountain treasures.
Great Falls, Montana

Sip 'n Dip Lounge

"Polynesia on the Plains."
Edmonton, Alberta

West Edmonton Mall

This massive mall has hundreds of shops, an amusement park, and a history of deadly amusement attractions.
Edmonton, Alberta

High Level Bridge

This unique bridge has been a staple across the Saskatchewan River Valley for more than 100 years.
Cochrane, Alberta

Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary

A rescue facility that caters specifically to wolf-dog hybrids, and educates about these unique animals.
Okotoks, Alberta

Big Rock Erratic

This massive and unusual rock formation near Okotoks is the world's largest known glacial erratic.
Calgary, Alberta

Calgary's Utility Box Art

Decorated by local artists, the city's utility boxes have become three-dimensional canvases.
Calgary, Alberta

National Music Centre

Eclectic musical collection ranging from hurdy gurdies and orphicas to the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio.
Calgary, Alberta

'Travelling Light'

A controversial blue hoop has been puzzling freeway drivers since 2013.
Aden, Alberta

Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park

Blackfoot petroglyphs of southern Alberta which date back as far as 7000 B.C.
Torrington, Alberta

Gopher Hole Museum

Museum of stuffed gophers set up in various scenes.
Kipling, Saskatchewan

Paperclip Cottage Cafe

A cozy cafe tells the remarkable story of how one man started with a little red paperclip and wound up with an entire house.
Mundare, Alberta

The World's Largest Sausage

Massive kielbasa stands 42 feet tall and weighs in at 12,000 pounds.
Vulcan County, Alberta

Iniskim Umaapi (Majorville Medicine Wheel)

This remote 4,500 year old medicine wheel is one of the last of its kind.
Drumheller, Alberta

The World's Largest Dinosaur

As if T-rex wasn't big enough, this Canadian monument is four times larger than the real thing.