MorganGD's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Hurwundeki Hair, Korean Cuisine, and Antique shop

Don't worry, they don't use antique scissors.
London, England

Genius Treasure Museum

This informal museum is a magical trove of anonymous art collected from car boots and flea markets.
Bournemouth, England

Memento Mori Oddities Shop

A genuine Little Shop of Horrors.
London, England

Suck and Chew

"Purveyors of traditional sweets and vintage treats."
Gwynedd, Wales

The Blue Lake

A hidden tunnel leads to an abandoned slate quarry that's now a secret swimming spot guarded by cliffs.
London, England

Black Museum

Since 1874, this macabre collection has developed into a museum devoted to Scotland Yard's mementos of dastardly deeds.
York, England

'Printer's Devil'

A Reformation-era fiery figurehead once denoted this location as a print shop.
Cambridge, England

Xu Zhimo Memorial

A monument to one of the most famous modernist Chinese poems and its poet.
Minstead, England

The Rufus Stone

A stone, covered in metal, commemorating an event that happened somewhere else a thousand years ago.
Portsmouth, England

Hatch the Mary Rose Dog

Discovered on a shipwreck after more than 400 years, this Renaissance ratter tells a very waggly tale.
West Sussex, England

The Long Bench

This multicolored meandering masterpiece is Britain's longest bench.
Shropshire, England

The Shropshire Mammoth

A replica of one of the most complete mammoth skeletons discovered in England.
London, England

Odeon Covent Garden

Formerly known as Saville Theatre, this mid-20th-century entertainment hub includes an ornate frieze.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

C.S. Lewis Square

Step into Narnia at this small park featuring statues from "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."
Mid Clyth, Scotland

Hill O' Many Stanes

A collection of short standing stones covers this hillside.
Oakley, England

Lady Wimborne Bridge

A sense of bewilderment encounters visitors when they happen upon this former railway bridge.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wardrop's Court Dragons

A quartet of brightly colored mythical beasts stand sentry at this gateway.
London, England

Barnet Museum

At this small museum, visitors can view artifacts from the only battlefield in London during the War of the Roses.
Stokesay, England

Stokesay Castle

A 13th-century fortified manor house that was once sieged during the English Civil War.
Blythburgh, England

The Devil's Fingerprints

A legendary ghostly hound supposedly left dark marks on a place of worship.
London, England

The College of Psychic Studies

This educational institution and reference library specialize in the psychic arts and mediumship.
Mid and East Antrim, Northern Ireland

'The Lord'

This massive basalt sea stack stands obtrusively from the rocky coastline.
Tetbury, England

Tetbury Dolphins

It's a mystery as to why this inland village chose the dolphin as its symbol.
Lincoln, England

The Lincoln Imp

Legend says this demonic carving inside a medieval cathedral was one of Satan's minions.