noelle 45c88895's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dundonald, Northern Ireland

Kempe Stones

This large neolithic tomb, also known as Greengraves, is hidden off a Northern Irish road.
Wilmette, Illinois

Bahá'í Temple

The only Bahá'í house of worship in North America and one of only a handful worldwide.
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

The Baker House

This lakefront cottage was crafted in the 1800s and was once a sanitorium.
Dunmore, Scotland

Dunmore Park House

A once extravagant mansion, now reduced to ruin.
Brooklyn, New York

The Old Headquarters of Murder, Inc.

This otherwise innocuous bodega was once the headquarters of the most feared assassin's guild in American history.
Los Alamos, California

The Victorian Mansion

This unique bed and breakfast was first constructed during the 1800s by a Russian immigrant family.
Johns Island, South Carolina

The Angel Oak

One of the oldest living oak trees in the Southeast.
Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.
Basingstoke, England

Preserved Victorian Wedding Cake

Baked in 1898 and still almost flawless, this floral masterpiece is considered the world's oldest complete wedding cake.
Ashton-Sandy Spring, Maryland

The Triadelphia Bell

This bell is one of the last remnants of the lost city of Triadelphia.
Baraboo, Wisconsin

Devil's Lake

A remnant of the last Ice Age, this lake is surrounded by fascinating rock formations.
Whalley, England

Whalley Viaduct

A fantastic example of Victorian railway engineering with two unusual decorative features.
Lake George, New York

Caldwell-Lake George Library

Of all the unique artifacts inside this library, a mummified hand stands out among the others.
Salamanca, Spain

Cathedral of Salamanca's Astronaut

The Cathedral of Salamanca has a number of unusual carvings but none so surprising as a modern astronaut.
Naftah, Tunisia

Leftover 'Star Wars' Sets

Buildings from the fictional planet of Tatooine still litter the Tunisian desert.
Florence, Oregon

Exploding Whale Memorial Park

Fifty years after a “blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds,” this idyllic natural area commemorates the carnage.
Hardingstone, England

Grave of the Unknown Man

In the 1930s, a mysterious murder shook this Northamptonshire village–the identity of the victim remains a mystery to this day.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Footlight Club

America’s oldest community theater, this Boston club has been in operation since 1877.
Mantua, Italy

Villa La Favorita

The remains of the last Gonzaga villa, a luxurious palace built in spite of an economic crisis.
St. Louis, Missouri

Fort Belle Fontaine

During the 19th-century, this park was a vital trading fort.
San Francisco, California

The Wreck of the King Philip

This partially buried wreck is one of the most complete of its kind but is only revealed when the sea allows.
Hunstanton, England

Wreck of the Steam Trawler Sheraton

All that remains of the fishing-vessel-turned-warship is its weathered hull.
Hastings, England

The Amsterdam Shipwreck

This remarkably intact, 260-year-old cargo ship is only visible at the lowest of spring tides.
Tlell, British Columbia

Pesuta Shipwreck

The stunning remnants of this wreck emerge from an otherworldly backdrop of rainforests.