rcelinacavalcante's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rapa Nui, Chile

The Navel of the World

This large round boulder is said to emit spiritual power, but it may just be magnets.
Huara, Chile

Atacama Giant

One of the largest ancient geoglyphs in the world is a tall desert god used for predicting the weather.
Villarrica, Chile

Caves of the Villarrica Volcano

One of Chile's most active volcanoes is riddled with beautiful caves.
Puerto Río Tranquilo, Chile

Marble Caves of Chile Chico

Mother Nature outdoes herself with this stunningly beautiful set of caves carved into marble.
Panguipulli, Chile

Termas Geometricas

This Japanese-inspired labyrinth of hot springs is hidden in a Chilean forest.
Rapa Nui, Chile

"El Gigante" and the Moai of Rapa Nui

The largest stone moai on Rapa Nui.
Panguipulli, Chile

Montaña Mágica Lodge

This odd Chilean waterfall-cano hotel must be entered via a rope bridge.
Nazca, Peru

Nazca Lines Observation Tower

This metal tower in the desert provides views of a handful of Nazca geoglyphs.
Nazca, Peru

Cerro Blanco

This unimaginably large pile of sand near Nazca is one of the tallest dunes in the world.
Lima, Peru


The remains of what was the most important religious complex in coastal Peru for over a millennium.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Inca Bridge

A backdoor to Machu Picchu that only the most foolhardy infiltrator would attempt to breach.

Sarcofagi of Carajía

These giant mummies are set ominously into a Peruvian cliffside and topped with real human skulls.
Puno, Peru

The Uros People of Lake Titicaca

The Uros people live on floating reed islands in lake Titicaca.
Provincia de Bongará, Peru

Gocta Waterfall

One of the world's tallest waterfalls wasn't revealed to the world at large until 2006.
Nazca, Peru


Nazca pilgrimage site covering 370 acres is a popular stop for archeologists and looters.
Nazca, Peru

Chauchilla Cemetery

Plundered and left asunder by grave robbers, this ancient necropolis has been painstakingly pieced back together.
Puerto Inca, Peru

The Boiling River of the Amazon

This scalding hot river was thought to be a myth until one geoscientist made it his quest to study the mystical waters.
Nazca, Peru

Nazca Lines

A set of ancient drawings in the desert of Peru that are so massive, many of them can only be fully seen from the sky.
Lima, Peru

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

The mortal remains of an estimated 70,000 people lie in the basement of a monastery in Lima, Peru.
Pitumarca, Peru

Rainbow Mountain

A remote candy-striped mountain in the Peruvian Andes straight out of the pages of Dr. Seuss.

Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge

Keshwa chaca, among the last handwoven Incan bridges, crosses Apurimac Canyon in Peru.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.
Sesquilé, Colombia

Lake of Guatavita

Known as the site of 'El Dorado,' this mysterious lake is rumored to hold gold beneath its waters.
San Gil, Colombia

The 'Wise Old Men' of El Gallineral Park

The centuries-old trees are draped with Spanish moss to make them look like wizened elders.