reddonna01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Beaumont, France

Beaumont's Black-Market Wine

Thanks to a clever legal loophole, this mountainside wine shop sells a hybrid cuvée that's been outlawed for nearly a century.
Whitby, England

Fortune's Smokehouse

This tiny traditional smokehouse is the only one left in this historic fishing port.
Sonora, California

Legends Books, Antiques & Soda Fountain

A cozy bookstore is tucked within an old gold mine shaft beneath the cafe and ice cream shop.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witchery

Near the former site of numerous witch burnings, this lavish Edinburgh mainstay pays homage to Scotland's brutal history.
Newport, Rhode Island

The White Horse Tavern

The oldest still-operating tavern in the United States was once owned by a pirate.
New York, New York

Patent Pending

Nikola Tesla's former home contains an homage hidden from plain sight.
London, England

Parliamentary Division Bells

A network of bells in the pubs and restaurants around Westminster alerts politicians when it's time to cast their votes.
Winchester, England

Wayfarer's Dole

Ask nicely, and stewards of a centuries-old charitable tradition will give you free bread and beer.
Baltimore, Maryland

Papermoon Diner

This beloved Baltimore spot features caged dolls, a giant Pez collection, and many, many mannequins.
Toledo, Ohio

Jimmy Carter's Hot Dog Bun

This restaurant proudly displays bread signed by the 39th president.
Bowness-on-Windermere, England

New Hall Inn (The Hole in t' Wall)

This 17th-century pub once had a hole in its wall so the neighboring blacksmith could easily access beer.
Sheffield, England

The Old Queens Head

Amidst towering office buildings, a local pub lives inside Sheffield’s oldest surviving domestic building.
Bloomfield, New Jersey

Holsten's Brookdale Confectionery

This old-fashioned candy shop, ice cream parlor, and diner served as the setting for one of TV's most controversial series finales.
Hartsville, South Carolina

The Last Yogi Bear Honey Fried Chicken Restaurant

The sole remaining outpost of a once-thriving South Carolina chain still sells “pic-a-nic” baskets.
Washington, D.C.

Sweet Home Cafe

This unique museum cafeteria showcases the history and regional diversity of African American cuisine.
Detroit, Michigan

The Raven Lounge

One of Detroit’s oldest blues clubs stands in defiance of the passage of time and the city’s shifting fortunes.
Phil Campbell, Alabama

Dismals Canyon

Famous for its bio-luminescent inhabitants, known as "dismalites."
Florence, Alabama

Frank Lloyd Wright-Rosenbaum House

This architectural triumph is the only Frank Lloyd Wright house in Alabama.
Tuscumbia, Alabama

Rattlesnake Saloon

You'll need cowboy boots to trek to this old-fashioned saloon nestled in a giant natural cave.
Southampton, England

The Wool House

This 700-year-old storehouse was a POW jail, aviation workshop, and Titanic memorial before becoming a brewpub.
Troutdale, Oregon

Tad’s Chicken ’n Dumplins

This old-fashioned roadhouse's quirky neon sign is as famous as its enormous dumplings.
Washington, Wisconsin

Nelsen’s Hall & Bitters Club

The oldest continuously-operating tavern in Wisconsin used a clever loophole to serve alcohol during Prohibition.
El Calafate, Argentina


This glacier interpretation center houses the world’s only bar made completely from glacial ice.
London, England

The Blind Beggar

This East End pub gained notoriety as the site where gangster Ronnie Kray publicly shot a rival.