SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
Places added to Scotland
Places edited in United Kingdom
Places visited in Redwood City, California
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places visited in United Kingdom
Places added to London, England
Places edited in Northern Ireland
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Achnashellach, Scotland

The Teahouse Bothy

This tiny getaway tucked away in an uninhabited Scottish valley isn't your ordinary teahouse.
San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Park

The headquarters of a secretive order is also a beautifully-designed park.
San Jose, California

California Trolley and Railroad Corporation

Historical trolley restoration and operation at History San Jose, Kelly Park.
San Jose, California

Show Your Stripes

Anyone can control this glittery light installation with just a phone call.
Madrid, Spain

Salt Street Watchmaker

An automaton perched above an classic clock and watch store
Nottingham, England

Wollaton Hall

A striking 500-year-old mansion provides an unexpectedly sublime home for live deer and a menagerie of exotic stuffed animals.
Nottingham, England

The Caves of Nottingham

A labyrinthine underworld of tunnels and caverns hides beneath the city.
Paris, France

Arago Medallions

135 bronze medallions mark a French meridian line which once rivaled the hotshot Greenwich timeline.
Vrbice, Czechia

Vrbice Wine Cellars

A mesmerizing landscape of 18th-century cellars carved out of the land.
Bratislava, Slovakia

UFO of Bratislava

This spaceship sculpture in the middle of the Slovakian capital looks like it just crash-landed.
Gloucestershire, England

Stained Glass Demons of Fairford

A rampant horde of demons smirk and snarl at visitors to this church, home to a rare complete set of medieval-era stained glass windows.
Godfrey, Illinois

Godfrey Mister Donut

Though it's thrived abroad, this forgotten Dunkin' rival has just one store left in the States.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Strip Benchmarks

These markers are used to determine the ground stability of the Strip.
Highland, Scotland

Oil Rig Graveyard

Where the sleeping monsters of Scotland's oil industry are left to rust.
Wallachia, Romania

Trovants of Costesti, Romania

The growing stones of Romania.
Densuș, Romania

Densuș Church

One of the oldest churches in Romania is believed to have been built on the site of a pagan temple.
Anstruther, Scotland

St Monans Salt Pans

The ruins of Scottish sea salt production.
Borth, Wales

Forest of Borth

A 4,500-year-old forest is slowly being revealed from beneath the sands of a Welsh beach.
Tintern, Wales

Tintern Abbey

This well-preserved Cistercian Abbey in a romantic pastoral setting has inspired artists like the poet Wordsworth.
Utrecht, Netherlands

The UFO of Inktpot

Atop this former dutch railway office sits an interstellar work of art.
Coventry, England

Ford's Hospital

For over 500 years this timbered alms house has provided a home for elderly residents of Coventry.
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Museum

The most visited, and possibly most controversial, museum in Germany.
Hebron, New Hampshire

Aleister Crowley's Magickal Retirement

The New England cabin where an infamous British occultist conducted experiments in "magick".
Firminy, France

Saint-Pierre of Firminy

This church looks more like a spaceship than a house of worship.