SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
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Places visited in Redwood City, California
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Places edited in San Francisco, California
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Places edited in Northern Ireland
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Alliat, France

Niaux Cave Paintings

Trek into the depths of the cave where 17,000-year-old paintings exist alongside 400-year-old graffiti.
Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfield Hotel

This once bustling boomtown hotel is now the hottest spot in Nevada for ghost hunters.
Santa Margalida, Spain

Necropolis of Son Real

The largest prehistoric cemetery on the Balearic Islands dates back over 2,500 years.
Danvers, Massachusetts

Salem Village Parsonage

Located just behind a quiet residential neighborhood, this is ground zero for the Salem witchcraft hysteria of 1692.
Bruges, Belgium

Smedenpoort Skull

The bronzed skull of a beheaded traitor was affixed to the city gate in the 17th century.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Carousel Bar

The only rotating bar in New Orleans has been slowly spinning since 1949.
New York, New York

Audubon Mural Project

Walking around West Harlem reveals a scavenger hunt of beautiful bird murals.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Magneto Mural

The Master of Magnetism dominates the walls of a scrap metal yard to keep graffiti artists at bay.
Bellingham, Washington

Fairhaven Historic Markers

Stones speckled along Harris Avenue reveal hidden nuggets of the past.
Detroit, Michigan

Guardian Building Art Deco Lobby

To truly appreciate Detroit's landmark skyscraper, you have to step inside.
Ogden, Utah

Star Noodle Dragon

Dubbed the "Blade Runner dragon," this buzzing neon sign is a beloved local icon.
Oudewater, Netherlands

Witches' Weigh House

The giant scales in this museum can still tell if someone is one of the devil's brides just by weight.
Vienna, Austria

Wolf and Cow Playing Backgammon Mural

A silly medieval mural preserved on the side of a Viennese house.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Nervous System of 'Harriet Cole'

This meticulously extracted nervous system allegedly came from a 19th-century custodian who donated her body to science.
Nevada City, California

'Ladies of the Evening' Marker

Hidden in a hotel parking lot is a strange historical plaque erected by an obscure fraternal society.
Lausanne, Switzerland

The Births of the Full Moon

A constellation of golden cobblestones shows the names of local children born under a full moon.
Truckee, California

Donner Pass Summit Tunnels

The now-abandoned tunnels were built for the transcontinental railroad on the route where the first wagon train entered California.
Shamrock, Texas

U-Drop Inn

Once in disrepair, this popular Texas stop along iconic Route 66 has been restored to its past glory.
Seattle, Washington

Mount Pleasant Cemetery

This graveyard contains markers and monuments dedicated to some of the darkest chapters in Washington's history.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Vicens

Step inside the first house designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, considered to be one of the first Art Nouveau buildings.
Harrison, Nebraska

Hudson-Meng Bison Kill

A rancher expanding a natural spring for his cattle came up with bones – lots and lots of them.
Budapest, Hungary

Béla Lugosi Bust at Vajdahunyad Castle

Late at night, the bust of the "Dracula" actor was snuck onto the facade of this Budapest castle.
Mantua, Italy

Lovers of Valdaro

A young Italian couple has been locked in an embrace for over 6,000 years.