Stephaniej13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Diego, California

USS Recruit

Not truly a ship nor a building, the Navy's first and last "landship" is now abandoned due to clerical issues.
San Diego, California

1895 Looff Carousel

One of the few remaining carousels built by master amusement park carver Charles I.D. Looff.
Lamu, Kenya

Donkeys of Lamu Island

Kenya’s oldest town is more than 700 years old and home to 6,000 donkeys.
Tijuana, Mexico

La Mona

Giant nude woman of Tijuana is also the artist's home.
Mission, British Columbia

Plane Wreck of Heritage Park

Mysterious wreckage of a small plane has been lodged in this tree since at least 1971.
Hope, British Columbia

Sasquatch Caves

A hiking area billed as a possible home to Bigfoot.
Québec City, Québec

Château Frontenac

This lovely, if imposing, piece of Canadian gothic is possibly the most photographed hotel in the world.
Kananaskis, Alberta

The Vault

What was to be the world's most secure Cold War document vault ended up as just a few shallow caves.
Canmore, Alberta

Big Head Sculpture

The granite head appears to be deep in thought and half buried in the ground.
Banff, Alberta

Banff Merman

A mysterious taxidermy man-beast of the seven seas.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Hoodoos of Drumheller Valley

Hoodoos, naturally eroded land formations, stand 20 feet tall in the Canadian badlands.
Banff, Alberta

Banff Springs Hotel

Few other hotels can rival the grandeur of the Castle in the Rockies.
Calgary, Alberta

Udderly Art Pasture

A herd of colorfully painted bovine statues can be found in the middle of "cowtown."
Victoria, British Columbia

Pterosaur Jaw Bone

First flying reptile discovered in British Columbia was for years forgotten in a cabinet.
Grecia, Costa Rica

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes

This Costa Rican chapel is the most metal church in the world, literally.

Mara River Crossing

Life and death are on parade at the most reliably perilous site of “the Great Migration.”